Tuesday, March 20, 2007

H€adlines & D€adlines

Naomi Campbell Is Cleaning Up Her Act

Pointing out stories you may have missed. There's a rookie at the New York Sanitation Department - Naomi Campbell. She will be spending a week in unfamiliar surroundings, performing unfamiliar tasks, as punishment for throwing a mobile phone at her maid last year. Keith Mellis, a spokesman for the Sanitation Department, said Ms Campbell could be asked to perform several cleaning duties. ``It could be cleaning windows,'' he said, ``cleaning up our offices, mopping floors, going down the hallways - various tasks like that. The British supermodel will have to wear one item that is not classed as high fashion - a reflective orange safety vest. Among her work entitlements are a morning break and a lunch recess, but she will have to finish at 4pm, like everyone else.

Source: BBC.

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