Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nice Hue, Hefner

Blue Clue Is Time For Reflection

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Yes, I know it looks like one of those Magic Eye-type hidden images where you have to try and look ``inside'' the image to see the true picture - but it's nothing as complex as that. It is simply the reflection of one office building in another. I took this shot while walking down a Montreal street at about seven o'clock in the morning. I had woken up early to photograph as many street scenes as I could when I saw this - and it stopped me in my tracks instantly. The light was low, the blue hues almost like a painting. It was one of my more memorable pictures that morning. No filters, no tricks. Exactly like I saw it.


gs said...

terrific shot,david. what a visual treat!

david mcmahon said...

Thanks Gopal,

Glad you enjoyed it. It was just one of those things - a lucky shot. Right time. Right light. And I was fortunate to be right there.



B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

That's just amazing.

Would it be possible to go back and take another when there is a great sunset? I just wonder what colours we'd get then...

Helena, Bob The Bear's 'mum'

david mcmahon said...

Hi Helena,

I was actually about to board a flight to Toronto and then drive out to Port Carling. You're right - the sunset reflection might have been even better!
