I guess it’s not often you get to take a shot directly above a waterfall, but this shot of the Montmorency Falls in Quebec City was taken in mid-September 2005. I wasn't rafting over the edge - but I had a great vantage point from the wooden walkway that spans the falls themselves.
I was astonished when the guide told me that these falls are actually higher than the Niagara Falls – but obviously not as wide. She also told me that the Montmorency Falls freeze over completely in winter – and yes, that’s a sight I would love to replicate from this identical angle.
I shot this with a Canon EOS 3000 in fairly grim weather. There was low cloud and rain, but I was determined to get a bird’s-eye view of the gorge.
As I’m well over six foot, I was able to lean over and hold my camera out a long way to take this shot directly above the apex. If you look to the left of the frame, you’ll actually see floating logs down below, looking like a collection of matchsticks.
I shot about a dozen frames, from slightly different angles, but I like this one because of three reasons: a) it is an almost even balance between foaming water and relatively calm water far below; b) it is unmistakably Canadian because of the logs and c) I was lucky enough to catch two separate tendrils of “mist” emerging from far below.
This is just a low-resolution version of the original shot. To see the high-res version, just view my RedBubble version of the same shot at Over The Edge Of The Waterfall.For the home of ABC Wednesday, go to Mrs Nesbitt's Place.
This is great. The high res one is even better.... fantastic!
This photo took my breath away! It also made me dizzy and I quickly stepped back away from the edge.
All that leaning over the fence! A long way down!
Very dramatic photo!
Whoa, thats some scarey shot!
Dizzying. And tempting. wouldn't it be great if the danger or drop or DON'T factors were taken out and we could simply let ourselves float down and become part of it all?
Excellent capture David. I thought you were either going over the falls or standing on a rock.
What a photo and what a place to stand and take one!! Now off to see the high res one.
Fabulous shot, David! I'll be posting some shots I took of Nooksack Waterfall in Washington State as I was just there this past weekend. I tried to get a shot of the gorge below, but as there was no fence I had to hold onto a tree to keep from falling. Consequently, those shots aren't very good. *sigh*
"You are a braver man than me2 , etc etc, but all to get a good photo!
I was just reading about these falls last week David and now this incredible photo!
I can almost hear the rush of the water - I should say the heart-pounding rush of the water as it goes over the edge.
I think I feel a driving trip coming on David. Oh! This beautiful land we call Canada.
It's like going over the falls but in a safe way. Great shot David!
Great shot!
Phew! Brave man! I bottle out on first rung of the ladder! lol!
Beautiful picture! I would have been terrified to lean over that fence!
Oh lordy, I have a fear of heights, and I can't imagine leaning over a waterfall. But, it was worth it, what a great image. Very vertigo instilling!
drop fits this piece many ways sandy
nice shot...don't take that next step! saw a pretty amazing shot of the record for tallest kayak drop...crazy!
I'll let you take those photos, I will stick to the ones from below!
I did as you asked, looked over the edge for the logs and woohoooo! I was away and over and dizzy. What a great picture-how priviledged we are.
That's a far reach for a photo! But well worth the effort.
What an unusual point of view! Thank you for taking me there today, all diziness aside...
Lola xx
Gorgeous! But it was easy to tell how lethal that water is despite its tremendous beauty. You were so courageous as to take pictures of it from a top view, having to lean over so carefully(while you stood on the edge of a rock or something else) as you've done.
Fantastic shot as always, David, and it did take my breath away!
Very dramatic indeed!
Since you dared to lean way over to take the photo, I'd say "danger" definitely deserves a dominant place in the subtitle.
Great photo.
That picture is amazing! The power of the water really shows through. I can only imagine what it looks like frozen!
awesome picture! I would be scared just to be out there. I hear there is this crazy dude that would do that fall, I watched him on tv this past weekend!
I'm shivering with fear - but happy I didn't have to take that spectacular photo... Interesting facts. Hard to believe the falls could freeze.
to take a shot directly above a waterfall.
This challenge cannot be untried.
Wait and see.
That is a scary angle. The film Vertigo came straight to mind. I am not so sure Nikon would be allowed near this scene. I am far too over protective of it.
wow, what an angle! great shot!
dazzling descent! done well.
wv: deato
That is a stunning shot - and I wouldn't have noticed the logs if you hadn't pointed them out!
I knew that was a long way down, but I didn't realize how far until you pointed out the matchstick collection.
I love finding places to get angles like this... it's not always so easy to do though.
Excellent work!
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