Thursday, October 04, 2007

Straight Talking

No Delusion, No Collusion, It's Just An Illusion

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

This picture of a Melbourne office building in the new Docklands precinct was actually shot through the window of a moving train. Rub your eyes and take a second look. The black and white segments are actually the same size and the horizontal orange lines are all actually parallel to the horizon. Don't believe me? Have a look at the side of the building, on the right of the frame - and you'll see what I mean.

FOOTNOTE: It's all there in black and white.


Les Becker said...

I'm train-sick, now, I think.

Anonymous said...

what in the world is THAT!

Mike's Travels said...

That's amazing. And you got that from a moving train? Cool.

dame's diary said...


Melissa said... about an illusion! I wonder what kind of an employer has that sort of a building!

Great shot of the place, especially through a moving train!

lime said...

i like it! otherwise it would be just another boring box of an office building. very cool!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cool - OP ART! (Optical Illusion)

I deleted my previous post because I needed to retype it.

Mike said...

That's made my eyes go wonky. I don't think Prince Charles would approve of such architecture!

captain corky said...

Neat! All of a sudden I have this strange desire to put a puzzle together.

indicaspecies said...

And no confusion to make this inclusion for a nice conclusion!

Your title is a mini poem and I've taken the liberty to add more to it. ;)

Tom said...

What a geat picture, and such a clever marketing ploy.

mrsnesbitt said...

Clever picture David, didn't do my vari-focals any good! LOL!

Hope you manage to visit my poetry day today!


Brian in Oxford said...

That is a sweet building design! Now all they need are two antennae on top of the with arrowheads pointing outward, one with them pointing inwards, so that you can try to figure which looks longer :)

karoline in the morning said...

fabulous building!! wow! thx david!


Colleen said...

Weird and crazy. I wish I could see it up close!

none said...

Fascinating. A very creative use of optical illusions. I bet it looks perfectly normal after a dozen pints.

Deborah Gamble said...

My eyes hurt!

KaiBlue said...

sort of like drawing mountains on a flat surface.. groovie pick David.

Peace, Kai.

Corey~living and loving said...

That is totally cool. Great picture! I would love to see that in person.

Max-e said...

Another graphic example of why we get confused and see things differently.

Cynthia said...

OK, that's wiggin' me out!