Monday, January 01, 2007

Revel Without A Pause

Melbourne Welcomes The New Year - 007

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

It's 3am, so I'll keep this brief. A very happy New Year to everybody - even though it's still New Year's Eve throughout most of the world. These shots were taken a few hours ago at Federation Square as Melbourne ushered in 2007. The fireworks display was so good it was staged twice, once at 9.15pm, when the first of these two shots was taken, and then on the stroke of midnight, when the second shot was taken. It was a beautiful night, no rain, temperature in the mid-20s and close to half a million people in the city. Believe me, Melbourne knows how to party.


Fletch said...

We've banged our dustbin lids, swallowed our 12 sultanas, washed it down with that horrid carbonated 'champagne' and have joined you Down Under to face 2007.

May you get everything you deserve, and I hope that is synonymous with getting everything you've wished for!

david mcmahon said...

El Tel,
Many thanks for your good wishes - and your report on how Lisbon brought in 2007.
All the very best to Maria and you and the family.
Most cincerely