Saturday, July 12, 2008

Post Of The Day

You "own" this post for a while. Yes, you do. Entirely. I’m travelling for a few days, but I’ll still be updating this blog several times each day, as I always do. However, I probably won’t have the time to visit as many blogs as I normally do, to give you my best links of the day. Hence my request - treat this space entirely as your own and let us know what you’ve enjoyed reading in BlogLand. See ya tomorrow.

Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....


RiverPoet said...

Has to be Burgh Baby's Mom with My Alarm Clock Could Kick Your Alarm Clock's Hiney!

Cath said...

Well here's a few I've had a chance to visit today which I think are well worth it - here goes for seeing if I can link all of these in a comments box! lol

Moments from Suburbia with A visit to the doctor
Annie's blog with Y is for yawning
imac's Photos with Sunsets From Austria
Age is All in the Mind with Two in One Today!
Gone Back South with Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!
and A Life With A View (San) with When there's a will, there's a wall

Hope you enjoy those as much as I did. There's some great blogging out there.

Lee said...

How many of you remember the poem "High Flight" closing out the TV stations for the evening? A friend of mine has written a lovely poem that evokes similar images for me. I nominate ALT's post Excellent Stuff.

Daryl said...

My friend Carole and her husband are on a month long trip to the American Southwest ... her travel blog is a brilliant combo of how to and how not to .. as well as a showcase for some good photography... I posted a link to her a week or so ago ... if you havent read her, please do .. and as David would say ' say g'day to her'

This post made me laugh and cringe ..

Carole's Travel blog


Anonymous said...

I nominate Beauty. Simple as that from Canoez' blog Paddling Upstream. Very pretty pictures!