Monday, September 25, 2006

An Effluent Society

We'll Drink To That

Great story in the Herald Sun this morning, revealing that up to 13.5 million litres of treated sewage is pumped each day from Melbourne's Lilydale treatment plant into Olinda Creek. The operative word here is ``treated''; and the investigation mentions that the effluent has been filtered and disinfected. The paper also quoted Victorian Water Minister John Thwaites, who said: ``The water is stored in such a way and treated to such an extent that by the time it gets to Melbourne's drinking system there is no measurable trace of treated or recycled water. Melbourne's water supplies are among the cleanest in the world.''

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many moons ago, the treated water from the sewerage works in Canberra was tested, and it turned out to be cleaner than the tapwater...I'm not sure if this was a good thing, though......perhaps the tapwater was full of toxins that we hadn't been told about? Only joking! I live in Melbourne and I'm still alive...just!! it can't be all that bad! :)