Thursday, December 13, 2007

You Mean The World To Me

Let's Map Our Ambitions

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

As a little boy, I used to be fascinated by geography and by the sight of a large world globe that used to rotate on its axis. Little did I realise that before I reached the age of 25, my dream career as a sportswriter would take me to many of the exotic and historic places I first encountered on that globe.

This globe can be seen at Southbank in Melbourne. It often rotates and always catches my attention when I walk down the graceful curved staircase to the riverside promenade. Because I always like to explore angles with my photography, this shot is taken with an unusual perspective. Instead of shooting the globe while walking down the stairs, I took this with my back to the promenade, shooting straight up.

It's the only time you'll get this view of the world - unless you join NASA's astronaut programme.


Anonymous said...

LOVE maps and globes - even the plain, primary colored ones that hang in classrooms. Maybe it is the concrete evidence that the world we live in is huge, or knowing that each country has the potential to be so different from the one sitting right next to it. A globe is on my list of things to buy as soon as my children are old enough to not use it as a bowling ball.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

It's so nice that you've been able to acheive your dreams, and traveled to so many interesting places in your career. It's always a pleasure to visit your blog.

none said...

It's unique. Never seen anything like it.

I like collecting old maps and globes with defunct country names and boundaries. Nost people aren't bright enough to notice anyway ;)

Unknown said...

I love maps and globes! That one is magnificent—perhaps even worth a trip to Australia to view.

Casdok said...

Yes im a mapaholic too!

Zoƫ said...

interesting perspective, I am currently looking at buying myself a more sophisticated digital SLR camera, cant get shots like this with an ordinary digital!

Melissa said...

I have always liked maps and globes as well. I have a world map hanging in Audrey's bedroom. I wanted her to realize that the United States was not the only country in this world. She and I have started to place pins in all the countries we would like to visit. Who knows...maybe someday!

BondBloke said...

Not into geography myself, I find it pretty boring, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate a great photo when I see one; great capture!

david mcmahon said...

G'day Driving with the brakes on,

I thought they were all meant to be used as bowling balls!

And you're right, they remind us that the world was once a daunting place, before the internet and the airline network.

Thanks for visiting

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Wendy,

I have been fortunate to have great family, good friends, supportive blog readers ....

Thank you for that wonderfu comment.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Hammer,

That's keep you busy. So many defunct names now!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi N ick,

Definitely worth the trip!



david mcmahon said...

Hi Casdok,

I'm transitting thru Singapore at the moment, so your words ring VERY true!!!

Neep a map myself!!



david mcmahon said...

Hi Zoe,

You might just have talked me into trying it!!



david mcmahon said...

Hi Bondbloke,

Thank you for the praise.

And somewhere is a geography teacher waiting (belatedly) to educate me!



bonnie said...

I love maps but ave trouble keeping up with the changes so I save them for art. My daughter is pursuing her dream to be a sports doctor. She's good with a camera at sporting events as well. You would be an inspiration to her.

Kerri Farley said...

Very NEAT shot....and i LOVE how you've taken it!!!