Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Presence

If Only There Was Someone Called Carol

A Gainesville, Georgia family has the surname Christmas - and two family members are named Mary. ``People ask me all the time, `What were your parents thinking'?'' said the younger Mary Christmas, 30. ``I never minded. It's a conversation piece.'' According to a report on, it all started on Christmas Day 1935, when the elder Mary married Henry Christmas, thereby becoming Mary Christmas. One family member is named Christy Noel. And when another relative, Jeane, married into the White family, she became (wait for it) Jeane Christmas White.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Names are fascinating, and can be a conversation piece indeed. Once, while interviewing for a position, I was asked if I had a petname, like, an Indian name! I couldn't resist saying that my paternal grandmother had the name of Albrecht, same as the CEO who was interviewing me (it was his vice-president who asked the question, he was Italian-American, with a very Italian name!), and no, I didn't have a petname! This created a lot of mirth!

And HERE I am, the Carol you asked for! A little late I know! I do like my name, given for Christmas, which was when I was due, but I arrived two weeks late! Still, my mother stuck to her guns, and, in the end, I liked the identity she gave me. A Christmas song.