Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bumper Crop

Is This More Hit Than Myth?

Seen on a bumper sticker on a white van in Melbourne yesterday: ``I believe in unicorns, good men and other mythical creatures’’. Okay, so I might be opening a can of worms here, but can you, my fellow bloggers, please tell me what you think…..


Lindsay Blau Portnoy said...

Ouch! This is a tough one. I feel badly for those people who have so little faith in the human race. But then again, we voted a complete imbecile for president who has surely aided in this pandemic ;)

Movie Mazaa said...


Mrs Mac said...

All depends what you mean by "good".

Skanky Jane said...

We live in the age of doubt. Such cynicism - can it ever be anything but a self fulfilling prophecy? That question asked and while cynicism en masse makes me weary, I'm all for rubbing back the whitewash.


robkroese said...

I'm with skanky jane. I'm not a fan of that kind of cynical outlook on life.

On the other hand, she calls herself skanky jane.

Hey, send me an email at diesel -at-mattresspolice.com if you're serious about trading books. Something tells me I'm going to get the better end of that deal.

Michal said...

ugh. i detest the male-bashing side of feminism. isn't it a sign of insecurity if you have to put down someone else to make yourself look better? i feel sorry for people who cannot see the good in people from other cultures, even if that culture is gender.

Skanky Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skanky Jane said...

Dear David,

Thank you very much for your compliments about SJ's blog and city. Your own blog is bloody terrific - many of your photos I really like and the time you give to, and interest you take, in others' work is exceptional.

Not sure it was clear when you visited, (so I made some changes) and so wanted to let you know (please excuse the following shameless self promotion) that Skanky Jane's Bargain Box is SJ's newest blog baby - the focus of which (besides a few regular features) is largely upon contributions/submission by other artists and arts writers/arts bloggers. Skanky Jane's Ruses of Pleasure on the other hand, is a blog that documents Skanky Jane's own art & art making processes.

*skanky smooches*
SJ xx

Skanky Jane said...

Diesel - thanks for the shoutout. Re SJ's name - you think that's cynical? Hmmmm....maybe. Or...maybe...it needs more thought? Cynicism is wearying, but exposing what lies under the surface - (surfaces are deep!) can be a real good thing and something this bumper sticker aint doing!

Lin said...

I still believe in all those things but, through many, many painful experiences, have learned to lower my expectations in regards to humanity and to be surprised and overjoyed in meeting the occasional ones who do meet those old expectations. Thanks for being one of those genuinely altruistic and kind souls.

What were the chances, David, you missed my second installment by mere minutes!

Merisi said...

She/he believes!
So? :-)))

Jules said...

I love men and know lots of good ones!!!!

RUTH said...

I've met more good men than I have unicorns! :o)

dr. filomena said...

Way to go, skanky jane!

I'll second Jules, too.

Nobody's perfect, but good? Plenty good men out there. You just have to give them a chance, methinks.
Actually, my basic stance is that the great majority of people are essentially good.
Most of the time, you will be treated the way you treat others. You reap what you sow.

David, your blog is among my links now...

david mcmahon said...

Hi Lindsay,

And the beauty of it is that one person's viewpoint is always shared by everyone. Gotta love democracy! Like you, I have plenty of faith in the human race.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi MM,

I thought you were going to say OMU (Oh My Unicorn)!!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Helena,

If there was time, I woould have asked the driver of the van - but she was gone in a flash.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi SJ,

Nice to see you back here from across the state border. I hear you loud and clear about a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day Diesel,

I'm with you and SJ. No time for real cynicism.

Will drop you an email in the next 24 hours ...

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Michal,

Yep. Looking for the good in others is always far easier than looking for the negative aspect.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi SJ,

No worries at all. I really do enjoy helping other writers, bloggers and photographers.

Never to busy to help.

Thanks for the info about your sites.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day Lin,

As an eternal optimist, I hear you loud and clear.

Thank you, too, for those wonderful words about my humble efforts.

Will definitely check out your follow-up post.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Merisi,

Maybe he/she was on the way to the zoo to look for unicorns, too!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Jules,

I'd say he-Who-Doesn't-Blog is a terrific guy as well.

Three cheers for him ... and for you

Your fan

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Dear Ruth,

Your are a wonderful person, a wonderful blogger and you have brought a wonderful perspective to the discussion.

Bless you and your wisdom

Keep smiling


Jeni said...

Taking this not in the sexist manner as the bumper sticker was probably intended but extending it from "man" as the male to "man" of all mankind which then encompasses both sexes, there are times when it is kind of difficult to believe there really are good "men" -or that they may indeed be mythical characters. Just look at some -er, many, of our countries current legislators for proof of that, as the first commenter here states about our "fearless" leader. I try to think more people are good, kind, worthy than not, but sometimes it does seem many are vying for top position on the wrong side there.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Dr Filomena,

Thanks for the link. We must keep in touch.

I agree with you, in that the vast majority of people are terrific.

Keep smiling


lime said...

i certainly saw my share of poor examples of what it means to be a man when i was growing up and i did have a fair amount of anger over that. but man-bashing i don't like at all. i wouldn't want to see the word changed to 'women.' i deeply dislike such negative blanket statements condemning an entire group. and change the word 'men' on that bumper sticker and insert any ethnic or religious group or your choice to see how truly guly a statement it is.

~**Dawn**~ said...

While I am not at all for "man bashing," it makes me wonder what path this person's life has taken that makes them feel this way. I think it's unfortunate that it is aimed *only* at men, because what I've found over the course of my own life is that truly good *people* are unfortunately not the majority. That you have to look hard & look carefully to find the good people that exist. I've been hurt by more people than I care to mention over the course of my life. While I do not let it make me bitter, I do find that it makes me far more cautious in selecting which people I let into my world. I don't think good people are mythical, so much as rare and to be cherished. And that it's sad when so many lives suffer hurts & bear scars that lead to such a cynical attitude.

lime said...

that should read *how truly ugly

Suldog said...

So many wonderful women here have expressed my own thoughts! Thank you, wonderful women, for making such good points concerning sexism!

Whenever I see a bumper sticker (or greeting card or other such thing) making a blanket statement concerning my sex's unfitness for living, I'll remember all of you wonderful women and be able to smile instead of getting angry. I mean that, and I Thank you!

FHB said...

Yes, subjective as it is, to the one question, but no to the others. I know a lot of good men, but a woman might not see them that way.