Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Post Of The Day

I had to go to the stewards today and ask for expert legal advice on the photo finish. But that wonderful chronicler Lin wins by the narrowest margin, with the many-splendoured Privy Counsel - and what a wonderful post title it is, too. Close on her heels are Jo Beaufoix with Plastic Fantastic and Deborah Gamble with Meanest Mom Ever. And because I'm a former sportswriter, I give a big thumbs-up to An English Mum for her post The Pits; and a vote of confidence to Mushy for Watching in the Mississippi Night and to Akelamalu for her version of Toy Story.


Nathalie H.D. said...

Interesting selection you made!

Re your post of two days ago, I'm one of those who believe in good men... airy fairy? Yes maybe, but not believing would be too painful...

Movie Mazaa said...

THis blog is such a treasure trove of info, David!!


John said...

I'd like to nominate my post for "Post of The Day", David.


Rachel said...

Thanks David! Your post of the day linking to my post made my day!

ps. I'll be sure to add you to my blogroll next time I update.

Lin said...

Thank you, David. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to decide how to sort and order the many, many wonderful writings out there.

fuzzbert_1999@yahoo.com said...

There are so many things out there that are so much better, yet you chose me...thanks David for your continued support!

Dottie said...

Tell me about your Post of the Day. Do you go and read particular blogs on your blog roll. You must spend an incredible amount of time doing it. I enjoy your blog. Have a good day!