Thursday, May 17, 2007

Passing Sentence Game #2

These Booths Are Made For Walking

Can 15 different sentences – written by different bloggers – make a good story? There’s only one way to find out. As we did last week, I’m going to write the first sentence and I invite you to contribute the next sentence, in sequence. Just leave your sentence as a comment, and I’ll keep adding them here on this blogpost. Now you can see why I call this ``passing sentence''. Here goes the first sentence …

``The most powerful enemy of us Superheroes is not the forces of Evil, it’s cell phone technology; because here I am, desperate to find a phone booth so I can change into my SuperBlogger costume – but there’s only one phone booth and the bloke in there is in no hurry; mate, there used to be twenty phone booths here, but because every man and his dingo has a cell phone now, the authorities have removed most of the phone booths.''

Time elapsed: 56 minutes. We have the second sentence, from US-based Bart, of Bartraeke fame. Here it is …

``Heck, I'd even hold my nose and use a Port-a-John in a pinch like this, but I can't seem to find one of those in eyesight, not even a revolving door to pull that neat-o quick change through a quickly spinning revolving door that Superman does; guess I'm going to have to find a changing room, how quaint.’’

Time elapsed: 10 minutes. We have the third sentence, from UK-based BTBear, of Bob’s Diary fame. Here it is …

``I know! Debenham's! I'll nip in there and head for the lingerie department. No one will worry about me running around in my pants in there! Why, I might even dispense with me cloak!’’

Time elapsed: 1hr 24 minutes. We have the fourth sentence, from UK-based Carol Cooper, of Shrink Wrapped Scream fame. Here it is …

``Oh-oh, who is this security guy, does he really need to call the police, and as for this strip-search lark, they're having a laugh, aren't they?’’

Time elapsed: 24 minutes. We have the fifth sentence, from Portugal-based Terry Fletcher, of Terry’s Sandbox fame. Here it is …

"Jumping jock-straps,", lisped Dobbin to Taffman as the duo minced into Debenham's, intent on sampling the whole of the make-up department, "there's SuperBlogger running around in his skivvies, being chased by a rather dishy security guy, and it's not a pretty sight!"

Time elapsed: 14 minutes. We have the sixth sentence, from Canada-based Cecilia Mercado, of Dance With The Sun fame. Here it is …

``As SuperBloggger ducked behind the first counter, camouflaged by scarves and shawls, he found an umbrella on the floor and pointing it at the chasing watchman, he yelled "Splapp-me-do!!" and promptly gets his superhero costume.’’

Time elapsed: 22 minutes. We're already past the halfway mark with the seventh sentence, from US-based Chewy, of The Back Of My Headboard fame. Here it is …

"Officer, I can prove I'm SuperBlogger, but this darn costume has no pockets for my wallet and ID."

Time elapsed: 3hrs 45 minutes. We have the eighth sentence, from US-based cartoonist Doug, of Scooter Guy fame. Here it is ...

``Yeah right..That's what the last guy said too. Tried to convince me he was Lingerie Man. Shoplifters and the lies they tell!''

Time elapsed: 15 minutes. We have the ninth sentence, from Singapore-based OzLady. Here it is ...

"Oh you should do what we do,'' chimed in Taffman, being one of those superheroes that are always around when you're in a sticky situation, "we have ours tattooed on our buttocks: it keeps our identities secret, but is always there for those awkward moments.''

Time elapsed: 7 hours 8 minutes. We have the tenth sentence, from India-based Sam, of Thoughts of a Confused Mind fame. Here it is …

"Ach!! I wish you had given me this idea earlier, wouldn't have been in this mess now, would I?", SuperBlogger snapped. Looking totally helpless, he asks for help from Taffman!

Time elapsed: 5 hours 10 minutes. We have the eleventh sentence, from India-based Gautham Manohar, whose photography can be seen at I Hate Rush Hour. Here it is …

Taffman cringed; a superhero saves sweet little children crossing roads and sends bad guys into oblivion, but the manual never said anything about rising to the defence of a tattooless hairy butt; but he recalled what his da' used to say when he was a wee boy - "Listen son, every bum needs a chum.... "

Time elapsed: 2 hours 36 minutes. We have the twelfth sentence, from Muskoka, Canada-based photographer and blogger Allan Cook. Here it is ...

Taffman called in Tattoo-Man, super tattoo artist/crime-fighter, but immediately there was a problem: SuperBlogger's butt, already super-strong in too many ways, had become so calloused from too many hours of sitting in front of the computer that it was completely unable to have a tattoo needled into it.

Time elapsed: 8 hours 28 minutes. We have the thirteenth sentence, from New Delhi, India-based blogger Cuckoo, of One From the Cuckoo's Nest fame.

Aah! SuperBlogger looked for a hot water tub to dip his butt ... heck, couldn't find any ... oh, he lay down showing his butt and in went the giant needle held by Taffman and Tattoo-Man together and out came a Superscream, ``Aaaaaaaaaa....''

Time elapsed: 2 days. Okay, so I thought I'd dive in and contribute the penultimate sentence. Here it is ...

When the tattoo was done and the pain had started to subside, Dobbin and Taffman paid heed to Tattoo-Man, who commanded them to bring a mirror so SuperBlogger could see what now adorned his calloused backside - ``Noooooooo,'' keened SuperBlogger, ``you've tattooed a Hit Counter - and it has the permament number 000,000 on it; that's just being cheeky.''

And to round it off, I thought I'd provide the last sentence:

Then SuperBlogger, being a nerd, saw the funny side of it, so he borrowed the Taffphone and dialled the Technorati number; when they answered, he asked if they could verify his new Technorati Authority and Technorati Rank, based on the number tattooed on his derriere; the Technorati bosses conferred and said: ``That's really rank, but we'll have to christen you the new, permanent Number One - because not even Dame Elizabeth Taylor's controversial $15 million prized painting, the Van Gogh artwork seized during World War II, has more zeroes.''


Bart said...

Heck, I'd even hold my nose and use a Port-a-John in a pinch like this, but I can't seem to find one of those in eyesight, not even a revolving door to pull that neat-o quick change through a quickly spinning revolving door that Superman does; guess I'm going to have to find a changing room, how quaint.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I know! Debenhams! I'll nip in there and head for the lingerie department. No-one will worry about me running around in my pants in there! Why, I might even dispense with me cloak!

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Oh-oh, who is this security guy, does he really need to call the police, and as for this strip-seach lark, they're having a laugh, aren't they?

david mcmahon said...

Hi Bart-Man,

Quick off the mark, as always. Second last week, first this week.

Nice to see you get first bite/Bart of the cherry.



david mcmahon said...

Hi BTBear,

Very clever. All cloak and gagger.

Thanks you for taking part ...


david mcmahon said...

Hi Carol,

I thought they said `Have a nice trip' but I guess they said, `Have a nice strip'.

Thanks for taking part - and for being such a regular visitor.

Keep smiling


Fletch said...

"Jumping jock-straps,", lisped Dobbin to Taffman as the duo minced into Debenham's intent on sampling the whole of the make-up department, "there's SuperBlogger running around in his skivvies, being chased by a rather dishy security guy, and it's not a pretty sight!"

phaseoutgirl said...

As Superbloggger ducked behind the first counter, camouflaged by scarves and shawls, he found an umbrella on the floor and pointing it at the chasing watchman, he yelled "Splapp-me-do!!" and promptly gets his superhero costume..

Anonymous said...

"Officer, I can prove I'm SuperBlogger, but this darn costume has no pockets for my wallet and ID."

david mcmahon said...

Hi El Tel,

Dobin and Taffman - very nice work!



david mcmahon said...

Hi Cecilia,

He obviously worked for an umbrella company.

It's terrific to see your blog active again. Welcome back.



david mcmahon said...

Hi Chewy,

Oh, very classy. Nice work there.



Doug said...

Yeah right..That's what the last guy said too. Tried to convince me he was Lingire Man. Shoplifters and the lies they tell!

Anonymous said...

"'Oh you should do what we do,' chimed in Taffman, being one of those superheroes that are always around when you're in a sticky situation, 'we have ours tattooed on our buttocks: it keeps our identities secret, but is always there for those awkward moments.'"

david mcmahon said...

Hi Doug,

I can just see this becoming a cartoon strip in your book!

Thanks for taking part, mate


david mcmahon said...

Hi Ozlady,

Nice addition - I wonder why Spider-Man never thought of getting that sort of tattoo?

Good one ...


Sam said...

"Ach!! I wish you had given me this idea earlier, wouldn't have been in this mess now, would I??", Superblogger snapped. Looking totally helpless he asks for help from Taffman!!

Anonymous said...

Taffman cringed; a super hero saves sweet little children crossing roads and sends bad guys into oblivion, but the manual never said anything about rising to the defence of a tatooless hairy butt; but he recalled what his da' used to say when he was a wee boy "listen son, every bum needs a chum.... "

Anonymous said...

Nice story. I wish my blog had this many people coming to it daily to do something like this!

Bye For Now!
The Chosen One

Anonymous said...

Taffman called in Tattoo-Man, super tattoo artist/crime-fighter, but immediately there was a problem: Superblogger's butt, already super-strong in too many ways, had become so calloused from too many hours of sitting in front of the computer that it was completely unable to have a tattoo needled into it.

Cuckoo said...

Aah ! Superblogger looked for a hot water tub to dip his butt.. heck, couldn't find any.. oh he lied down showing his butt & in goes giant needle held by Taffman & Tattoo-Man together and out came a Superscream Aaaaaaaaaa....

david mcmahon said...

Hi Sam,

Thanks for taking part. Hope to see you back here.



david mcmahon said...

Hi Gautham,

Not just a photographer, you're a poet as well!



david mcmahon said...

Hi Chosen One,

I guess I've just been lucky, for some reason.

But stick with it and you'll also get a loyal readership too.

Take care


david mcmahon said...

Hi Cuckoo,

I felt his pain!



david mcmahon said...

Hi Allan,

Had me worried there!

Say hi to Tammy


Anonymous said...

ah!! neat ending!!
finally........ :D

mcglinch said...

mcm - will post your doodle tonight. - mcg

mcglinch said...

sore superhero at mcglinch

david mcmahon said...

Thanks Sam,

Had me going for a while!


david mcmahon said...




david mcmahon said...

Hi there, McGlinchMeister,

Yep, saw it there a few hours ago. From memory, I left a comment of thanks.

Once again, merci


Deborah Gamble said...

**Standing ovation**

david mcmahon said...

Hi Debbie,

Thank you. I guess everyone has a bit of fun with the concept.

Take care


Anonymous said...
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