Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Who Ya Gonna Call? Coast-Busters!

Never Falter, When It Comes To Malta

When Malta adopts the euro on 1 January, the coastline of the tiny Mediterranean island will get an unexpected boost. New euro coins and notes show Malta to be much bigger than it actually is, because the island is too small for the minting machines to show it on the same scale as other euro zone countries. As a result, Malta, which is only 27km long, is shown to be as large as Corsica, which is 183 km long.


Tony said...

That makes a change. Last year EU literature deleted Wales from all maps showing the EU

david mcmahon said...

Hi yesbut,

I didn't know that. Was it a value judgement on the Prince of Wales?!!

Seriously, though, what was the reason?



Tony said...

Human error.
Though I think it was inferiority complex - we Welsh are so superior - but you wouldn’t have known that because we are also very modest.

david mcmahon said...

G'day yesbut,

That is the best one-liner I've heard today!

