Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sand-Up Comedian

Well, I’ll Be A Son Of A Beach

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Let me just channel your thoughts here. You’re probably thinking: "For a bloke who never enhances or Photoshops his images, David has finally succumbed."


And you’re making note of the fact that the colours of the beach, the sweep of the sand, the great vista of the sky are all point towards the "I tweaked the shot" factor.


You’re going to report me to the Reality Council because you think I’ve tricked up a standard beach shot.


But it’s been great fun stringing you along. You see, a couple of weeks ago, I was walking through Southbank and noticed this image on the side of a wall. No, it’s not a beach. It’s a painting of a beach. And it’s just one part of a segmented mural.

As soon as I saw the beach segment, I zoomed in on it because I wanted to test you. This, my dear friends, is the whole mural, in totality, pictured below.

Y’all don’t be making a scene now!


Daryl said...

Cool .. didnt fool me, I know you would never photoshop a photo ...

Georgina said...

It was amazing though, like something in your dreams. Debs x

Don Mills Diva said...

Mural or not, it looks so inviting I just want to jump on in!

Corey~living and loving said...

you sneaky devil you. :) I did figure it out though. :) I'm brillant like that. tee hee

Trixie said...

Fantastic painting! Does look like the real thing!

Kat said...

I'll admit it. You tricked me! Ya got me on this one. ;)

aims said...

Hey David - can you send me an email and let me know how I can get a copy of your book?

I can't get it here - or in the States it seems.


Tess Kincaid said...

At first glance, photoshop did cross my mind, but I was bewidlered because I knew that would entirely be against your photographic principles. :)

Gone Back South said...

It did look slightly too good to be true.

Lavinia said...

You had me fooled right proper!

Sam Fox said...

hahhahah... well done.

Right now, shivering in my woolly jumper all I want is to be on it!

Anonymous said...

You had me going there for a minute.

I was so jealous! Not so much now. :o)

Take care!

kimmy said...

I want to be on that beach with a nice fruity drink in my hand.

How relaxing!


San said...

You trickster you. You are part heyhokah, no?

none said...

I had to do a doubletake.

I remember seeing a similar mural being used as an accent wall in some houses.

San said...

David, since you enjoy wearing the heyokah badge, sometimes go over to my place and put "heyokah" in the little search window at the top. I actually wrote a post about heyokahs.

RiverPoet said...

I'll admit you had me going there for a minute, buddy!

Peace - D

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

That's very cool! You fooled me!

Betsy Brock said...

That is incredible. I'm always in awe of an artist so talented that the common observer thinks it's a photograph! Beautiful!

Dina said...

Ha! But either way, it's a lovely place. You know what they say, "Life is a beach."

travelling, but not in love said...

I wouldn't have been surprised if it was a 'real' photo, but the sand is a little too golden....

Anyway, good fun post. I like it.

Dick said...

Ha, you did fool me, nice post.
Thanks for your visit.

Craver Vii said...

You got me; I believed. Clever post, Sir.

BRUNO said...

Ain't that cute! You should take up photography as a hobby!

Oh, wait---you've already figured that one out on your own, huh?

Glad I could "go there" with you! "I took a trip, an' never left the farm...!"

Daryl said...

Now I am totally LOL .. not that I dont LOVE Travelling But Not In Love ... but leaving his link was UNINTENTIONAL ... I had c/p it to send to someone and forgot I still had it on the clipboard .. I meant to paste my own link as I usually do .. like this ...


BUT I am so glad this happened because its a really good blog!

Jules~ said...

Now that is funny!

polona said...

nah... the colours in the first photo look too artificial to represent a real landscape...
good try, though :)

Cath said...

Well I am disappointed. I thought it might be a real beach in Australia somewhere.

Please say they exist... please!

It's a great trick though (and superbly framed shot). I knew you would never tweak a photo, which is why I thought it might be real... :(

Mima said...

You totally fooled me, I thought it was a photo, and then as I started reading I thought you were going to tell us about some amazing filter that changes everything!!

Max-e said...

At a first glance it looked like an old photo that had been scanned - just goes to show how the eye can be fooled