Friday, May 25, 2007

Window Gleaner

Outsider Completes A Clean Sweep

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

So we’re sitting there at work, right? And we can hear this strange sound, right? And no one knows what it is, right? I reach for my camera – because whatever it is, it’s gotta be worth a photograph. Then we see a wide metal brace, part of a platform, descending into our field of vision. Aha – it’s the window cleaners. So I quickly shoot half a dozen frames while they work. Then I realise I just need to wait until they lather the window – and shoot the skyline and Flinders Street station through their cleaning solution. It’s not every day you get a chance to do that. And my colleagues? Oh, they were very busy. Busy rating the two window cleaners, that is. On a maximum scale of ten, they got a lot of sevens.


Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

For shame on you, David - 'tis enough to send a window cleaner over-board, all those photographers, 'in all!

(Oh, yes - I'm still held hostage in the shed.. it's me really - shrink.)

Bart said...

I like the word squeegee.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Carol,

You had me completely foxed for a second! Wot's the world coming to when our bonzer window cleaners have to cope with the paparazzi, hey?

How goes the planning for you London sojourn, O Putney Princess of the Pink Palace?

And make sure you leave the potting shed nice'n'tidy!



david mcmahon said...

Hi Bart,

Should have used that. It's one of those onomatopaeic words that really talk to you, like `tintinabulation' (which is neither about Tintin nor tabulation).

Keep the windows clean at Casa Del Bart.

Take care


B.T.Bear (esq.) said... you didn't do what Mummy and her friends used to do when she worked on the 17th floor of the Stock Exchange tower years ago?
-Have big mugs of tea, dunk choccie biccies, hold up a notice asking if the window cleaner would like one too.

One day they came prepared, and held up a notice on the outside saying "Black, 2 sugars, please".


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Shrinky, are you spying on the hedgehogs tonight, or what?