Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Sipping News

English Tea Room Introduces Strict Bans

You thought Seinfeld's Soup Nazi was a tough character, didja? Now a tea shop owner in the UK has said he will as customers to leave his Brighton shop if they dunk their biscuits. Other rules include not putting elbows on the table, not insulting the Queen, never handling sugar cubes and not sipping from teaspoons. Banging a teaspoon against a cup and using a mobile phone is banned outright, as is talking "louder than two shakes of a tea cup". Owner David Daly says, "People have to obey the rules and if not they are asked to leave. It is the art of tea drinking.’’

FOOTNOTE: Surely that's not the Daly Express.


Anonymous said...

Followed you here from Annie's blog. Read you profile. Interesting. We share some of the same habits--books, and photography. I also did television and magazines.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Well I think he is jus a pompuss twit, an I hope evrywun goze in an orders coffee!

Let's arrange it online! Wa-heyy! Let's get 300 peepol to go in, order coffee, coff loudly, make synkronized fone calls from their mobiles, then pull out their own pakits ov bikkies (hmm...Hobnobs or Anzaks, methinks, cos they larst a good long dunk) and dunk them.




*Goddess* said...

Darn. I'm a dunker:(

Sounds more like he's trying to get everybody to conform. Thank God we DON'T all do things alike!