Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Yellow Fever

Maybe I Could Have Done Butter With This One

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

This shot of a clump of daffodils was taken two weeks ago. I was not entirely happy with the result, because my point of focus was the central bloom alone, while trying to highlight the bulbous parts of the other blooms on the right. Last weekend I thought I'd try repeating the shot from a different perspective, but the daffodils were already starting to look a bit tacky after the heavy frosts. Still, the bright yellow is a nice reminder that spring is only ten days away.

Looking at the high-res version of the shot, I noticed inconspicuous little white spikes, like miniature fangs, on the extremities of the blooms. Maybe one of you keen gardeners out there like Ruth or Mike would be able to explain this curiosity to me. Wish I'd noticed it earlier, so I could have shot the flowers to get the white spikes in clear focus.

And yes, while the rest of the world enjoys summer, there is a heavy frost outside as I write this here in Melbourne, where it's just after seven o'clock on Wednesday morning.

FOOTNOTE: That's cold comfort for some gardeners.


robkroese said...

Dude, where do you pull your poll answers from? Do you not get any decent movies in Australia? The Bourne Ultimatum was better than all of those.

Nice flowers. :)

Merisi said...

Did you catch those daffodils in their soccer cleats? ;-)

FHB said...

You try tweakin' up the lighting on the computer? Otherwise, beautiful man.

Les Becker said...

Oh, David - you'll have to post more "springy/summery" posts for the next few (10?) months. Here, it's fall that's already starting. (((shiver)))

david mcmahon said...

Hi Diesel,

Do we get decent movies in Australia? Ah, (thinks deeply) yeah - the latest one at the Outback Cinema was `Dr Zhivago'!

Okay, so I'm being facetious - but you would understand that!

Now you've got me keen to go and see `The Bourne Ultimatum' ....

Matt Damon has a huge fan following here in Oz.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Merisi,

Spot on with that observation. Catching them in their soccer cleats was my, er, goal!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day FHB,

Thank you. You're a good man.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Les,

How could I resist a request like that!!

Keep smiling


RUTH said...

Your spikes have me stumped! Unless it's a quirk of the particular variety I can only assume it's some kind of fasciation. Sorry I can't "point" you in the direction of a better answer :o)

david mcmahon said...

No worries, Ruth,

Your witty reply made me smile!



Deborah Gamble said...


Reading this post reminded me of how long I've been blogging. My daffodil picture in April was an early post. Now I'm looking for signs of fall and you are entering spring.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Reminds me ov melty hunny an butter all swerlin together on hot toaste.


Digital Flower Pictures said...

I don't think those spikes are anything special just part of the petal. There are 1000's, if not more, types of Daffodils so it might just be the type. It is funny you are posting daffodils, our seasons are definitely heading the other way. We just had one of the coldest days ever recorded in August.