I took this shot about a week ago, just after I got home from work. Maybe this photograph will tell you a lot about me. The tie was a Father's Day gift from my beloved children and the scarf was hand-knitted by my equally beloved mother-in-law. As you can see, I still had my suit jacket on - but it came off the moment the picture had been taken.
Taking this shot was an interesting exercise. I simply set the camera to ``flash off'' mode and adjusted the lens to the field I wanted. Then I held the camera out as far as I could, pointing it towards myself. I shot about six frames indoors and this was the one I chose because you can actually see (even though this is a low-resolution image) the texture of the tie and the pattern on the woollen scarf.
FOOTNOTE: Isn't Bangkok the capital of Tie Land?
Click here: Pentax K100D, Shutter speed 1/10, F 5.6, ISO speed 800.
Duzt don get tide up wiff taykin picktowz ov yo ti! hehehe
Hi Meanie,
Full marks for quick repartee and wit. I expected nothing less from a supremely talented dragon like you!
It's ``knot'' my intention to do it again!
Keep smiling
Great photo and I love the warm colour combinations - wonderful
very punny!
Oh, and great tie/sweater!
Good shot David...great texture!
It reminded me that I no long have to wear those chokers! My company went into "construction" mode about 5 years before I retired and I wore jeans, pull-overs, and boots for the remaining career! It was great to get out of ties.
A white shirt - $30
A suit jacket - $80
A pair of shoes - $70
Gifts from family - priceless.
There are some things money can't buy.
This is awesome! Great tie and choice of scarf. It just fabulous photo angle overall!
Hi Alloment Lady,
Thank you very much. My youngest child chooses my tie every day and it is then up to me to select a shirt and scarf to match!
Glad you liked the colour combination!
Keep smiling
Hi B,
Thank you - I was hoping you would approv of a) the pun overload and b) the colour combo!
Keep smiling
Hi Mushy,
Yeah, I was very happy with this frame because the texture of the tie and the scarf were so clear.
Love these vignettes of your life - that's why your blog fascinates me.
Keep smiling
Hi Priyank,
That is very clever. And so appropriate.
Thank you.
Keep smiling
Hi Colleen,
Thank you, ma'am. Yes, it's one of my favourite ties and the scarf is really warm, too.
You might be interested in my reply to Allotment Lady - so you can see that the kids play a role in what I wear!
Keep smiling
Wow! You are a fashion mogul too? Your children picked a great tie!
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