Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Rest Warrant

More Gold Than El Dorado

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

It's always an interesting challenge, trying to photograph an object that is more or less the same colour as the background. This reclining Buddha is actually made of wood and is covered with gold paint. But there was just something about the workmanship and the intricate patterns that drew me to it.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Great pic. But he looks like he has a headache. Or toothache, which is what Mummy has at the moment. Except she isn't quite so yellow. Bit pale, actually. That's depite going to the dentist regularly. Just can't get the workmanship these days........ I keep telling her, go to the VET! Go to the VET! They're far better, you know. But I digress. Ahem.

gs said...

buddha's eyes are very expressive.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot - so serene - and the colours are a gorgeous blend. Where was the shot taken, David?
