Sunday, December 05, 2010

Verse and worse

I have this friend called Malcolm
Who has blind faith in talcum
Instead of tucking in to chowder
He's out buyin' stocks in powder


Johnnny said...

Malc used talc to try to stay dry
And increase his personal money supply
Underhandedly procuring some stocks
Malc inadvertently tapped pandoras box.

Maggie May said...

Malc will bung himself up if hes eating the stuff.
He will become so dry. I think its just bluff.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Unknown said...

Hee, hee. I think I'd be buying stock in some other kind of powder. Just saying.

Moannie said...

Mac should know better, than to eat that stuff
Its should stay in the box with the powder puff.
Till you're out of the shower
and completely dry
then you dab it all over while in the buff.