Fair dinkum, I didn't know Australia Post had a special mailbox, just for Santa mail, in the City Square. For years, the various postal outlets around this beautiful city have always had special boxes for Santa mail and believe me, they have always been extremely popular.
But the City Square, as you can see from these images, is always a splash of vivid colour at this time of year. Not only is it the site of Melbourne's giant Christmas tree, but it is also a gathering place for young and old alike.

These native plants are in full bloom all round the City Square. On the afternoon that I took these shots, I didn't know which way to turn, for it seemed as though every colour of the rainbow was represented, no matter where I looked.
In fact, it was so sunny, and the shadows were so strong, that it was quite a challenge to take these shots. Look carefully at the image below and you'll see evidence, in the bottom half of the frame, of just how strong the sunshine was at the time.

It was a warm afternoon, the sky was blue, there was a band playing nearby. The cafes were full, and the pavement umbrellas were a sea of triangular hues. But yes, red was by far the predominant colour, especially on the special mailbox.
I couldn't resist one last shot. But as I composed the frame, I realised the sun was so strong that I could actually see my own reflection in the painted metal. You can actually see my white shirt, my arms and my striped tie.
Let's just say it was just my Santa pause.

Visit the creative team behind That's MyWorld Tuesday.
Very cool shot. I love the unintended aspects of photography.
These bright colors and warm hues are right on time. We got four inches of snow yesterday and the wind chill has it down to about 10℉
As long as I don't get Santa's mail, I'm down with it.
David: What a fun post and you were looking good all sporty up to see Santa's mailbax.
What service are you supposed to use to get your mail to Satan?
Post haste, indeed. Only 9 shopping and/or mailing days left. Better get those wish lists into the box. Can't imagine quick delivery to to North Pole :)
That foliage is stunning.
Great that the post office will handle kids letters to Santa. Those are lovely flowers, we have them down in South Texas too. They are quite popular.
Happy Holidays!
Right! That's it! I'm packing my bags and sailing to Australia right this minute. Wonderful photos, as always, David!
That mail has to travel a long ways. I've always wondered why Santa didn't set up a branch location at the South Pole. that would be a bit closer for you guys.
An Arkie's Musings
You just have to keep mentioning that warm Christmas weather, don't you? It's 17º F. here with the wind howling. (That's -8º C.)
Beautiful photographs David, I hope Santa is ready, only a few days left!. We have been to
Perth (in the summer), it was one of my favourite places, not been to Melbourne yet.
Very nice color in those shots Dave. I do enjoy your witty rhymes also.
Wiregrass Steve
Again, I'm blown away by your colors!
I ordered an A350K, a small gift for myself, and hope that I might be as good as you then!
P.S. Thanks for the blog of the day...I love it when new folks come calling!
Isn't it lovely to see the sunshine after all the grey weather we've been having? Love the mailbox, not sure if we have any up here but great idea for the kiddywinks.
Good stuff, good photography, and a Ho-Ho-Ho to you David.
Great post and photo's!!
Take care
How does Santa travel around Australia without snow? Did you know Santa is Canadian? Yep, the North Pole -- though some nations disagree -- is in Canada and the postal code is H0H0H0. True. ;-)
Wow those beautiful vibrant colours!!
Thanks for visiting my blog...how dumb of me...I was completely overwhelmed about being in Monaco, I never thought about the "statues" like that..!!
Good shots. I like the lovely colours of the plants and the Santa box was vivid. Good reflection too!
Such beautiful colors in the plants. And I love the special Santa mailbox!
That's very nice. I would like to volunteer my time reading Santa mail. Have a good week.
Pausing for thought here David lol. love your post for My World.
Pretty soon we Brits will all have to come to Australia if we want to see red post boxes. We have lost almost all our famous red phone boxes t the gods of 'progress and the fiends in Europe.
Love the bright colours of the flowers now that we are living in a grey landscape.
I never thought of the fashion problems Santa must face as he makes the round. The red suit works in Connecticut, but it must be a bit heavy where you are. Maybe he sends himself a parcel via the post so he can change as necessary!
Thanks for coming by my place to say hello! Lovely photos of the colorful plant combos. The reflection in the Santa box looks rather like an angel!
How odd that there it's Christmas and plants look like wrapping paper...and here it's Christmas and plants look like plain brown cover...lucky you...I'm sure that in Jesus' home town the desert was not snow covered. Great post...as usual!
Those plants make me think of paint brushes. I never think about how it is summer in your half of the world.
Very beautiful colors...I hope your Christmas is as beautiful as your flowers.
Great shots, beautiful colors and as always, a great touch of humor! Thanks!
I love it!! I wish we had something like this in our area. This is so cute!
Great shots! It's hard to imagine flowers and Santa at the same time. We're freezing our southern buns off right now.
Thanks for dropping by my blog for a visit. But ummmm, which Joan? I have 4 blog buds named Joan. :-)
great photos. How nice to have the special mail boxes set up. I have to say, though, I really, really like the native plants.
Foreign to me to think of things so hot at Christmas but it sure elicited a cool shot.
lovely flowers. i would imagine that mail box is a very popular spot.
Cool, I wish we had a santa mail box here too. Happy Tuesday.
great world. your world looks much warmer this Christmas season, than mine does.
Did you get your mail in on time? Cool shot.
What a fun post... the plants are gorgeous with it's vibrant colors! How I could have enjoyed the warm afternoon instead of the cold chilly temps of this Canadian winter.
Take care.
Well delivered. It sure brightened up my day.
Love this! And Santa, please bring me some new glasses... mine give me vertigo! ;-) Long story...
Wonderful flowers and lovely post!!!
That's too cute, I need to mail our Santa letters at school in that box! I forget that Christmas is in the summer for you, how wierd, but nice to have the flowers out.
That vertical shot with the "rainbow" colored plant life is cool because, except for a little red, it's mostly secondary colors. I haven't seen that very often. I enjoyed that catch, Sir!
Love learning about these different areas.
the reflection shot is awesome!
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