Sunday, December 21, 2008

Upper Crust Crime

Who Really Needed The Dough?

A Florida pizza delivery man who was challenged by armed robbers in the city of Miramar got in first with his own weapon - a large pepperoni pizza. The man flung the piping hot pizza at the gunman, then made a safe getaway, despite one shot being fired as he fled.

FOOTNOTE: Hot shot.


Nessa said...

Sounds like a cheesy story.

Anonymous said...

A true Stooges' moment: Well and truly peppered.

Maggie May said...

I suppose the gunman couldn't resist the pizza & the delivery man got away while he ate it! Good thinking on his part!

Hccm said...

Cheese is now the new deadly weapon.

Craig Glenn said...

Hey, there is nothing funny about throwing a pizza at someone, you can put an eye out with that thing! oh, ummm, I mean poor pizza guy.....


Sandy said...

The comments were as good as the story!

The Muse said...

A waste of a perfectly good pizza....