Sunday, October 31, 2010

Verse and worse

Have you ever watched a conger
Grow an inch as it gets stronger?
It's all about the speed it feels
As it shows a clean pair of eels


Expat mum said...

I have to say, they are about the ugliest creatures I've ever seen!

Johnnny said...

I am a conger from phylum chordata
In our family everything is pro rata
You can often find us back in the florals
Hiding out as we rest on our laurels
Come time for us all to go feed
We rely on very incredible speed

Jinksy said...

If eels could dance a Conga,
the line would grow much longer
than one made of men and women-
unless they too were swimmin'...

Eddie Bluelights said...

The eel, variety conger
When it's narked gets a little bit longer.
At 300 pounds
Sometimes more it astounds
At 3m it gets stronger and stronger!

It is such a terrible sight
And would give us all such a fright
If it did have a fit
And our leg it did bit
We'd swim like 'ell out of sight.

A bit late on this - busy yesterday

Jewels said...

So glad you're back David!