Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Verse and worse

On the sun-drenched beaches of Cocos Keeling
Sir Ron proposed marriage (while his butler was kneeling)
The lady, delirious, asked, “Is this ‘Survivor’?’’
And they had to use smelling salts, just to revive ’er.


Johnnny said...

Guests were surprised by a wild eeling, which left some running squealing. While asking for a bridal fav, the whole party disappeared in a tidal wave.

david mcmahon said...

Great work, Johnny!

Nice dexterity with the rhyming.

Brian Miller said...

haha. delighful verse...the butler kneeling was a great i might be back with something witty...or at least to see if there are others..

Sylvia K said...

Terrific as always and what a great chuckle to send me off to bed! Have a great day, David!


david mcmahon said...

Thanks so much, Brian

The butler was just a thought that flashed into my head and I figured I simply had to use it!

david mcmahon said...

Thank you, Sylvia

A privilege to have put a smile on a friend's face!

Shadow said...

talk about being knocked off one's feet...

david mcmahon said...

At least she had a sun-kissed beach to cushion her!

CiCi said...

So she had a double kneeling, or was the butler kneeling in place of Sir to good to kneel Ron?

savannah said...

what a surprise to see your face again at technobabe's place! i had to click over to see if you were back blogging or just visiting. so, now i see i've only missed your return by a few days, so welcome back, dear friend! i'm adding you to the blogroll again! xoxoxo

re: the verse? well, i'm just glad to see you again! ;~D

Jackie said...

Sir Ron and his girl took a stroll
On the sand of Australia's atoll.
He fell to his knees
Gave her hand a sweet squeeze,
Said, "Be mine or you'll see a sad soul."

Virginia said...

You're a poet and know it? :)

david mcmahon said...

Yes, TechnoBabe, the butler was kneeling to save Sir Ron the trouble of getting sand on his lily-white knees!

Ayak said...

"Oh no"said the lady "I can't"
I have to go stay with my aunt
She'll die soon and leave me her cash,
And then back to you I will dash!

( I can do!)

david mcmahon said...

Hi there, Savannah

Great to see you here among the comments. Yes, I decided to come back to blogging just a few days ago - and am overwhelmed by the reaction.

Thank you for putting me back on your watchlist. I am just in the process of adding all my old friends to a new followers' list!

david mcmahon said...

Nice work, Teacher's Pet .... Very nice use of the word ``atoll'!

david mcmahon said...

Very kind of you, Virginia. Just nonsense verse rather than pure poetry - but it's great fun!

david mcmahon said...

What a clever addition, Avak - I do like the fact that you've continued the story!

Eddie Bluelights said...

When she awoke all dizzy and reeling
Her butler asked her how she was feeling.
She replied that Sir Ron
In her mindset had gone
"He's a ghost and he's there on the ceiling!"

A little late coming over - been driving a minibus LOL!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Too funny!!!! :-)) ~Janine