As regular readers of this blog are aware, I do not posts shots of myself, but I simply HAD to make an exception in this case. I had told my good friend Daryl that we would be in New York City in late June-early July this year and truth be told, meeting her face-to-face for the first time was very special.
It was only after we returned home to Melbourne that I realised Daryl had very kindly posted a shot of us here.
We were all so touched that she actually took the time to leave work mid-morning to meet the entire Authorblog family in Times Square. And when I rocked up (a minute late) she was already deep in conversation with Mrs Authorblog. I suspect that the DNM (deep and meaningful) had something to do with retail therapy, but I cannot speculate further, so can you stop twisting my arm now.
At the time, I had stopped blogging to concentrate on my novels, and Daryl and I briefly touched on the possibility that I might resurrect this blog one day. I also apologised for my uncharacteristic four-day stubble - but the woman who long ago christened me "Den Mom" said she would overlook it, only this once!
By the way, if you want to enter a title-writing contest for an unusual image I recently posted, just click here - or even just look at some of the witty titles that visitors have already posted.
nice. i hope to one day meet a few blog buddies...
caption - determining where to HEAD, luckily no one could twist her ARM...
(sorry only had a min and could not sign up over there)
I've been able to meet up with several blogging friends and it's always terrific! Daryl is one of my favorite bloggers and I loved seeing her photo with you! How fun and what a fun way to start my morning! Enjoy your weekend, David!
Loved seeing the photos of you both! (On yours and Daryl's blog.)
Daryl was really lucky to meet up with your entire family too!
What a wonderful trip!
Great post.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Great photos of you and Daryl. :)
green with the first time I saw this on Daryls blog...just as green now David.. one day I hope we meet up...
luv to you and Lady D!!!
Saz x
did you manage to find MUM?
Isn't she a beautiful woman?? I know Daryl in the blog world too, but haven't had the pleasure. I have met one of her good friends...Lauren at MPM blog.
Glad you had the chance to meet up in NY....xv
I think I should move! Daryl gets to meet all the wonderful bloggers who never make it this far west. Well - okay - you made it further David but you didn't make it here!
Such wonderful photos of two of my favourite friends. Sigh!
I love meeting my blogging buddies, so much fun to finally meet face to face. I love NY as well David......:-) Hugs
I loved hearing about that day. Daryl and I were in touch in email and she was so excited to know she was going to meet you in just a few minutes. So I heard the details just before and just after. It was like I was right there myself. Almost. Lovely photos of your two beautiful faces.
Great to see you David, and this is a lovely shot of you both.
Last year on this day, I was in NYC, and enjoyed the Halloween party on the streets as well.
One day I'm going to make it to NYC and meet Daryl, too! She seems a wonderful woman. I know from first hand experience how excited she must have been to meet you - but she got to meet the whole clan! How lucky is that! :D
Love seeing the picture. You could have gone to McDonalds and order the new McDavid. Then at the end of a Davidian day, Pull out the drawer to find the Gideon way.
Great to get to meet bloggers on the page, Great to get to know bloggers, great to become friends with bloggers . . . . and wonderful to meet up with them. Not done so yet . . but perhaps one day.
Nice photo! I love Daryl's beautiful silver hair. She rocks!
It's a unique experience for me, Brian, being cocooned as we are in faraway Australia!
Thanks, Brian, will place that as an entry.
It's a rare experience for me, Sylvia, because Australia is tucked away, geographically.
It would be great for my clan to meet all of yours, Maggie!
Thanks, Akelamalu - it was a fun morning!
Hi Saz, next time, it's be great to visit GB and catch up with all of you. Yes, thanks to you, I found your Mum's blog and visited immediately!
She certainly is, Debbie, it was such a pleasure to meet this charming blogger.
Vicki, it was one of the high points of my trip!
Very kind of you, Aims - Daryl did tell me she was in touch with you and Hilary and that she'd told you we were meeting.
Thanks, Bernie. Meeting a blog buddy is a rare pleasure for someone like me who lives Down Under.
Hilary, Daryl certainly told me you were in touch and that she was about to send you details of our meeting.
It was such a pleasure that she got to meet my whole family.
IndicaSpecies - Halloween in NYC would have been tons of fun!
Leslie - I have never forgotten your kindness in coming to YVR airport so early in the morning just so we could meet before I caught my connecting flight.
Nice work with the rhyme, Johnny!
You're so right, Eddie. It's always a pleasure to meet blog friends. This was a great morning for us.
Pagan Sphinx - you are so right. Daryl really does rock.
The world is a much smaller place with blogging, its always grand when blogger meets another blogger.
How very fun! I recognized Daryl right away! :)
I remember when Daryl posted your photo-- It was a nice surprise to see you. now it's a nice surprise to see her.
Happy weekend, jj
When are you visiting Bangalore?
We make so many good friendships through blogging, it's wonderful to have the opportunity to meet up with some of our blogging friends. I am about to meet up with one of mine on my trip to England next month.
One thing I love about the internet is it has extended my circle of friends far beyond what it would have been in the 'old days'.
Hope you had a nice time in NYC. I am kind of spoiled as Manhattan is only a quick car or train ride away.
Oh I just wanted to say I am glad to see you are back in business over here. I will tuning in regularly to get a dose of humor.
Great picture of two very attractive and lovely people. Envy...
Thanks, iMac - you're right about blogging and how it makes the world a smaller place.
She is great company, Betsy.
Joanna, I didn't actually know that Daryl had posted the photo of both of us until I got back home to Melbourne!
Hi Indrani, Bangalore is certainly on my radar, for sure!
Hi Ayak, I hope you have a great holiday.
Hi there, Digital Flower Pictures, next time I'm in NYC, we MUST catch up - with Daryl!
And thank you, DFC, for your kind words. Much appreciated.
Would have been even better if you were there, Moannie!
WOW .. I am touched (and wish you'd retouched the second shot... I am only semi kidding) ... I had a busy weekend so I am just now getting to see this and you other recent posts .. meeting you my dear Den Mom was the highlight of my 3 year blogging adventure .. I have met a lot of other bloggers, become good friends with several ... and not to dismiss them but you are my fav ..
Woo hooooooo you met Daryl. She's a fab lady isn't she? One day I would love to meet her too.
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