Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Man Who Found The Me-109

It Must Have Been A Mad Scramble

I've just received an email from A. A. Laxman, which is relevant to anyone who's been following the story of the Me-109 that was found at Gulbarga, India and that is now thought to have turned up (inexplicably, it seems) in the United Kingdom. Laxman, a scientist working in the aviation industry, was the person who tracked down and photographed the Me-109 in Gulbarga in 2002. I won't tell you too much about the story; instead, click on this link to discover how he reported the stunning find (and sent jpeg images of the aircraft's components) to an amazed Jagan Pillarisetti, who heads up the Warbirds site.

By the way, did anyone follow the story late last week about a Focke-Wulf Fw-190 that was salvaged from the sea? I looked at some of the pictures of the salvage operation and I was amazed to see that the swastikas could still be clearly seen on the wings - despite the metal being submerged for 60 years.

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