Monday, November 27, 2006

Santa Pause

Never Mind The Past, Wot About Da Presents?

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

I took this shot at Bracebridge, Muskoka. If my memory is right, I was walking down Ecclestone Street towards the tourism office - but I'm sure Allan Cook will correct me if I'm leading you up the garden path, literally and metaphorically! I never actually got to Santa's Village, but the shot was too good an opportunity to miss. I guess it must have been put up by one of Santa's little helpers.


Anonymous said...

David, your memory is almost perfect! In fact you were mere metres away from Ecclestone Drive, on Entrance Drive. The Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce and local Tourism Information centre was to your immediate left, a small building wedged between the tracks and the intersection of Ecclestone and Entrance that started life as a Mill. You might recall the roar of the falls could be heard from where you were standing -- the restaurant that is downstairs from the Chamber of Commerce has a magnificent view of the falls and the imposing CNR rail bridge and Bracebridge's signature "Silver Bridge" (Ecclestone) over waters below.

You really must come back and pay a visit to the big man. He spends his summers here on the 45th Parallel halfway between the North Pole and the equator. He's long gone back home, now though. He has a busy few weeks ahead in preparation for Christmas Eve...

Allan Cook

Anonymous said...

If this link to Google Maps works, you can check out where David was standing:,-79.306355&spn=0.010644,0.020084&om=1


Anonymous said...

How about we try it this way:
Google Maps, Bracebridge

david mcmahon said...

Great comment, Allan,
And a wonderful link for people to share. You're a good man - and a mine of information.
Yes, I could hear the falls from where I was standing and I recall going into the Chamber to ask for directions to the Octagonal House that you had told me about.
Also have a shot of the 45th parallel sign, which I'll publish later on.

Anonymous said...

That arrow is actually pointing towards the tourist office which is over the tracks and to your left, on the north-east corner of the intersection.

Sometimes you can spot Santa driving a red volkswagen smoking a big cigar. He's not p.c. lol!