We've just completed our first fortnight of the Australian spring. This weeping tree is simply cascading with blossoms at the moment and I've been watching it all week, waiting for the best light and the most blooms. At midday yesterday, it was overcast and I thought I'd better not waste any more time, so I got the camera out. I'd shot about six frames when the woman who planted the tree appeared. She was delighted to see me photographing it and told me that it was, as I suspected, a weeping cherry. ``It cost about fifty bucks and I planted it about three years ago,'' she said.

And just because I like to keep things in perspective, here is another frame of the same tree, shot from pretty much the same angle. It was taken exactly three months earlier, to the day. It captivated me then - at the start of our winter - and it still captivates me now.

I like the comparison pictures. Great idea.
Ohh so awesome colours they are !! Very vibrant.
Beautiful Photos! I made a comment today at your Mona Pleaser post. I don't know if you go back and check often or not at your older posts. So I thought I'd tell you. I left a link to another Etch-A-Sketch artist. Have a Blessed Week.
i just love the changes that come with seasons.
Beautiful colors. Looks like spring. I dread fall when the leaves start falling off the trees and it looks like everything is dead.
How easy it is to wander through our day without letting beauty such as that touch us. Thanks for sharing.
I enjoy visiting this blog to see your wonderful photos. The weeping tree is gorgeous in every season! Have a great day!
Real stunning snaps there, David!!
Simply Wow!
Fabulous blossoms and I love that Autumnal leaf colour. I have a Sorbus which is beautiful in the Autumn...it looks like a bonfire in the corner of the garden as its leaves change through yellow and red. Last year it was just looking it's best when we had gale force winds....every leaf dropped in a matter of a couple of days....BEFORE I'd taken a photo!
wonderful pictures! it is funny to think that it is spring tie in Australia when it is autumn here! LOL!
Hi Nessa,
Thank you, I was also intrigued what a difference just three months can make!
Keep smiling
Hi Cuckoo,
Thank you. I was totally captivated.
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Hi Flassie's Fil'a,
Thank you. I'm glad you liked the shots.
Many thanks for the Etch-A-Sketch link. Will check it out.
Thanks for your wonderflly warm wishes.
Keep smiling
Hi Lime,
Exactly - and they look so dramatic in photo-comparison sequences, I guess.
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Hi Andrea,
The funny thing is, winter in Melbourne is still a very colourful time in the gardens.
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Hi Kimberley,
I look on it as my duty to photograph and publish sights that so many other people just walk past and don;t take notice of.
Thank you for that comment.
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Hi Dottie,
Why, thank you kindly, ma'am. I'm so glad you enjoy the pictures.
Enjoy your weekend.
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G'day MM,
Thank you, thank you for your appreciation. Means so much.
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Hu Ruth,
What an amazing story. Every leaf went - and before you could photograph the sight!
I'm gritting my teeth on your behalf.
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Hi Mona,
Glad you liked the pictures. Yes, our season are completely topsy-turvy.
Never a dull moment with our weather, especially here in Melbourne where we can literally have four seasons in one day!
Keep smiling
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