The post Paris, How Do I Love Thee by Country Girl City Living contains a picture of the Paris Metro. Her post reminded me of this photograph (above) I had in my archives. This Metro sign, a replica of the Parisian signs, was a gift from the French capital to the citizens of Montreal. It was taken at Square-Victoria two years ago, during a photography assignment that I did for the Canadian Tourism Commission. It was a cloudy morning, but that's part of the challenge when you want to make a picture "happen".

Hi David - great to get in and catch up - i have trouble downloading your blog so can't also get in to comment!!
I'm so chuffed I've been nominated as a wild card - wow - it has been a few years since anyone has called me wild - although I still have the inclination!!!!
I will answer the toy one here as it takes so long to get in - I am afraid I was a Barbie girl!!!
Hello David!
What a beautiful gift. Do you think if I send the french my address they will make me one too?
I just love this photo and am flattered that you posted it for little old me :)
Thank you for being so helpful to me, any advice that you can offer to make my blog more fun to read or better to look at is welcome so please let me know what you think!
Thank you again for all of your encouragement.
p.s. exciting news! i had a picture published on tastespotting.com yesterday, hooray!!!
The style of Art Nouveau. Just like the entrances to the Paris Métro designed by Hector Guimard.
Or reminds me of the aliens in the new War of The Worlds movie.
Thank you, David, that first photo brought back many fond memories. The majority of my family worked in that building, at the Exchange. And it was lovely to see that the softness of Art Nouveau had been introduced to a stark modernity rampant.
Hi David. Thanks for dropping by my blog via Vic Grace's Cariboo Ponderer site. I'm relatively new to blogging. I'm pretty computer smart though and am figuring things out. I love photography, however I'm not a professional. I welcome any advice. I did read through the posts on your blog that you recommended. You want to know something interesting. I was just thinking the other day that it'd be cool to find a blogger from Australia. Like I mentioned in a comment on Vic Grace's site, it's like virtually touring the world. Thanks again.
Hi Jules,
My eldest daughter was a Barbie girl - so I understand fully!
The wildcards are those that just fall outside the top 50 - glad you;re chuffed about that.
It's a pleasure reading your blog.
Keep smiling
Hi Lindsay,
I've forwarded your name and bog url to the French Ambassador. They will be delivering on the weekend and want to know where exactly madame would like to have it constructed.
Keep smiling
Hi again Lindsay,
Forgot to say that's wonderful news about having a picture published. I'm not surprised - I think your work has much to offer us all.
Regarding encouragement - I'm always here to help, advise or assist anyone who needs it.
Keep smiling
Hi Darlene,
Thank you for that information. I had no idea about that. I may be a philistine, but I'm a philistine who does have an arty soul!
Keep smiling
Wow, Lin,
What a wonderful point of contact. Who would have thought, when I shot those images two years ago, that they would have personal meaning to a friend in New Mexico!
Keep smiling
Hi Dottie,
Lovely to hear from you. I enjoyed visiting your site yesterday.
How strange, that you were looking to make contact with an Aussie blogger. We sure have Vic to thank for that.
Keep smiling
Ah, afterthought day today - Darlene, I haven;t seen that flick. Must make amends.
Cute, David! I only just now found your response. You can let Mr. Ambassador know that yours truly will be out shopping the farmers market early Saturday so he might try coordinating with the personal assistant :)
My post tomorrow may be a bit longer than usual, and it's not food related. I'm nervous to post, but I think it will be good. Your feedback, as always, is always appreciated.
Hi David,
This is one of the things my daughters recognised when we first moved here, the Metro signs, and they were quite thrilled to see something "familiar". I have weird Frenchy kids because of our stint in Paris!
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