I'm sure you'll join me in saluting a survivor in every sense of the word. This post, by WhimsicalNBrainPan, is about the slow road back from a brush with mortality. It's called
Medical Pictures and even if you choose to bypass the images themselves, the courage of the post will stay with you. The other standouts from today are Dottie's
You Will be Missed, Fat Hairy Bastard's
Every Once In A While I Get A Glimpse, Bruno's
Just A Couple More, Anna's
Her Gas and Wanda's
Monday Show And Tell.
my goodness but that medical post is astonishing. a survivor indeed.
Well if I told you what little I know about pickles and how they make them, you might consider a pickler's day something deserved.
Many years ago I worked at night to make some extra money as a kind of janitor for a company on the East coast (in Baltimore, Maryland. This is a well-known company who produces products like Ketsup, fruitcakes and pickles. They also bottle, pack, can and distribute the products bearing names other than their own, although they did have their own brand that sold for twice as much as the other brands they produced.
I was married. I was in the counter intelligence corps and this was an extra job to make extra money. We had a baby (who is now 51 years old) and this money was important for me on Army pay.
It was a habit to eat our lunch there around midnight and to add a touch of extra we would go down to the basement, open the lid on a giant pickle barrel, and get a dill pickle to eat. Or we would stop and scoop up, off the floor a handful of fruit cake mix and take it back to eat with our meal.
On one such occasion, I opened the wooden lid on the huge barrel of pickles and reached in to grab a giant pickle and instead saw a giant pickled rat.
That ended my enthusiasm for pickles. Maybe picklers have a good reason to get together once a year. LOL
Thanks for the shout out. *blushes*
I never expected to be mentioned in Post of the Day. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting with your kind words. I appreciate it. Have a blessed day.
Hi Lime,
It was a really striking post. That is a real affirmation of life.
Keep smiling
Hi OldManLincoln,
What an amazing story. Remind me to stop eating pickles from this moment onwards!
Keep smiling
Hi Whimsy,
No worries at all. Amazing post, Amazing person, Amazing strength.
Keep smiling
Hi Dottie,
My pleasure. I enjoyed reading it and thought it should be shared.
God bless
Yea, thanks for coming by. You're always welcome, even when you don't make a big deal out of it. You make me ashamed that I don't take the time to write more important things. Just hard to find the time.
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