Does Anyone Recognise This Bloke?

This interview appeared in The Statesman recently. Mathures Paul is the assistant features editor of the paper and he wanted to time this article to mark the fact that I have handed over my second novel, 'Muskoka Maharani', to Penguin, my publishers. If you want to read the text of the interview, just go to Booked For Life. Do let me know what you think ....
Good stuff! And congratulations. So how long after you submit your manuscript is the book finally published and available for purchase?
Congratulations, David! Really good interview! When do we get to hold a publication party?
What a great interview David! I'm enjoying Vegemite Vindaloo, and after reading about your second book, I'm anxious to read that one as well.
Neil Armstrong?
Three strikes, I'm outta there...
Just Kidding, of course. You know I'm happy for your success as a writer and a photographer. I've said tons of times before.
Again, congratulations. You deserve your success.
Congratulations. What a wonderful interview. Many blessing for the New Year David.
Wonderful interview! When is the release date?
Congratulations David - it sounds like a winner too! Excellent interview and do let us know the release date.
What an excellent interview!!!
The book sounds exciting, I can't wait to get my hands on it... Which would be approximately when? :)
Interesting interview and the book sounds like a really good read. Hey, you aren't bad looking either!
Wow, David - that's such a fabulous article! Now I can't WAIT to read the book!
Will I be able to find it in Canada? Finding an affordable copy of 'Vegemite Vindaloo' is proving to be a bit of a difficult endeavour (but one that I shall not give up, either).
BTW - I'm sorry I tanked on the Christmas party... I found the booze truck, alright... I remember aiming for the buffet table... and I woke up hours later UNDER a booze truck.
I think.
congratulations. terrific article there. i think lee is right, publication party is necessary. ;)
How totally cool David. Congrats! :) You are just totally rockin it! :)
Hey, that's you! ;) Congrats, I'm still trying to get my hands on your FIRST book!
Oh, and great article. Your traffic will probably greatly increase now! :)
Congratulations, David! I look foward to a good read.
hello sir
I really love your blog and i would appreciate if you visit my blog and comment me so i can improve my blog.
wow ! nice photos. Now I feel ashame of my photo blog...I am so lousy. lol! Can we exchange link ?
my other site is at
Congratulations..looking forward to reading your book ..and wish you a very happy new year
What a handsome bloke you are! Not that I'd date you or anything!
Congratulations my friend and best wishes on your new baby!
Great interview as well.
I've been a bit under the weather here almost all week really but the past three days in particular as I got hit (from behind apparently) with a really nasty head cold. My vision is starting to return to where I am only seeing single images not doubles or triples so in the next day or two, I hope to get around to catching up on my blog reading. It's probably New Year's Eve at your place now so here's wishing you a very Happy New Year in 2008 - lost of fun, prosperity and many, many more good photos too!
Congratulations...this is exciting. You picture is very good looking too. My husband is a writer.. I was just posting on how much work goes on behind the scenes that people don't know about. Our deadline, well his deadline, for the galley edits is Thursday I think.
I hope your latest novel is super succesful.
Congrats on the write up!
I wish you success on your new book. Just let us know when it will be available and I'll pick up a copy.
Great! Good interview David i shall certainly try to get these books on order.
I am of course consumed with envy at getting a publisher at all! I have 7 rejection letters i'm afraid. Be a dear and pop over to mine and read through my novel - yes it's all there, Under A Train - and give me your thoughts. There. Some bedtime reading for you. Just sleep with the light on after lol! Oh and put in a good word at Penguin? Thanks awfully darling.
Your life has certainly been interesting and this will undoubtedly be reflected in your writing - can't wait to read.
That was a great interview David, I really enjoyed reading it, and congratulations on your new book. :)
Mind you, J. K. Rowling had 12 rejection letters! Can you imagine those publishers who turned her away? Gosh.
Congratulations on the recognition. It's certainly well-deserved. Happiest of New Year's to you!
Nice article and congrats on your novel! How awesome it must be to be published!
What a wonderful article!
I'm am so proud to say I know you!!
The best of luck with your new novel, and I wish you and your family the happiest and healthiest of New Years.
Grow a cool mustache.
David, I can't think of anyone else who could look so marvelous while groping around on the floor but you managed it with great style.
happy new year...btw, iam buying ur book today...its going to be my 1st read of the new year...
The combination of being an accomplished author and superb photographer is a cool enough feat. But David, you aren't just successful, you are also loved as a human being. People really like you. That puts you in a whole new classification. Congratulations!
From reading the first few sentences in this, I'm definitely buying this novel.
Great interview, David, and best wishes in the New Year.
Just catching up David. Wow! Am I allowed to say I'm proud of you, well - I am. Haven't managed to get VV yet as Amazon UK seem to have stopped getting it, but I'm sure I will be able to get the new bestselling MM when it comes out. Huge Congratulations David.
Congratulations David! Good work! By the way...since you are so good at recognising the words of others...I've left something for you over at my site. Shine on!
-Poseidon's Muse (
This is terrific! Great picture and wonderful interview.
I am impressed by the new book. However, I think I am most moved by your ideal to give back to India in a mentoring program.
Best of luck on both!
Congratulations, David! I enjoyed the interview in The Statesman, and like Jeannie, I'm wondering when we can buy our own copy?
I 'lifted' it for my site, but you already know that!
Must email Mathures and ask his permission - belatedly.
Good one!
Wow. Consider me impressed :) Need to get a copy of your first book... have been reading a lot lately. No more TV, books it is. We all know what Brecht said, right? :-D
Okay, David, this is way too cool!!! And a fabulous photo, too. It would be a great blog photo. A face like yours should have more exposure! Why are you hiding it? ;)
I thoroughly enjoyed browsing some of your last December posts. Nice, nice photos.
A fabulous interview.
(A belated comment.)
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