Okay, so these shots are slightly askew. But there is a good reason, believe me. I was pulled up at a set of traffic lights when I saw this building and quickly shot a single frame through my window. You know how cartoon characters have an idea and they appear with a glowing light bulb above their heads to indicate inspiration! Well, that was exactly what happened to me. I saw the building first, and then my eyes lit up when I saw the sign. All the time I was thinking: wouldn't it be great if all the friends I've made through blogging could meet to celebrate Christmas. And I have a plan .....
Intrigued? Watch this space for details.
I hope it's a cyber Christmas party. I'm a long, long way from you. I'll be watching you from my Google reader. Have a great day. :)
I'm watching...
That impulse served you—and the photo—well, David.
Ooooh! I'm not one for parties. Too many people. I'm also not one for Christmas... but this party I don't want to miss. If I don't get an invitation, I will do my best to crash it.
Party! Let's go!
Can't wait to see what you have in mind. I'll bring some brownies...
Party Animal meeeeeeeeeeeeee.
If its in Ausie Land thanks for the invitation 2 tickets 1st class please.
And send the bill to that kind man
Mr David Mcmahon
Of course I'm there! Can't wait to see what your light bulb moment is about!
A Blonde Function Venue???
Beautiful old buildings. I am watching also from my Flock Reader what your plan is.
I hope you visit me at my new blog and check in from time to time.
Vic Grace
uh oh...an aussie with a plan...
Keep Talking, my friend!
A Blonde Christmas Party?
You have my vote for it. I'll even bring a jar of vegemite. I won't eat any, but I will bring it along.
You're flying us all to Australia! THANK YOU!!! I'll bring another copy of my book.
Sounds interesting!!
let's plan for x-mass party.
I am intrigued, it's a bit short notice for me save up for a airline ticket to Oz though :(
Par-taaaaaaaaaay - the Cowgirl is in!
Ok. I'm intrigued. I mean, if you're buying the tickets, we'll be there. I'll have to bring the whole extended family though...what with it being Christmas and all that.
And I'm a veggie.
And Miss M is still in nappies at night so it might be wise to add plastic sheeting to her bed, just in case.
And, I don't like my tea too strong or too weak.
And can we bring the gerbil?
Oh, and my nieces hamster?
Thanks. :D
I love a man with a plan ;-)
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