Ever been to a party where you haven't had to leave your own home? Ever been to a party where someone else makes your favourite dish? Ever been to a party where you meet people from all over the world? Ever been to a bloggers' e-party?
No? Well, there's always a first time. As I said yesterday in the post Party Politics, it's time to join in the inaugural Great Big Aussie Christmas Bash. It's an e-party for everyone.
It's going to be held on 27 December, by which time everyone (yes, even a big Texan friend of mine!) will have recovered from too little sleep, too much exertion and too much indulging in the spirit/ spirits of Christmas! Because of the huge time difference between Australia and those of you who live on the other side of the world in Canada and the US, this party will go for almost two days.
All you need is your mouse, an internet connection - and you're part of the party.
I'm still fine-tuning the details, but as Katherine said: "Uh-oh, an Aussie with an idea!" She'll keep me on the straight and narrow, I'm sure.
Let me know your party suggestions and watch this space ....
Have no party suggestions. We will be heading to Warsaw for the regional office's Christmas dinner on the 12th. I've never been to Warsaw and to have the opportunity presented with plane tickets and a 5* hotel...I feel really special. :)
Ooh, looks like I'll be back from Oregon in time to join in on the fun!
I have no real suggestions though. I'm not in a very creative mood right now.
But I look to forward to what some of your other smarter readers come up with!
I will pop into the cyber party and so will the "Mice"( sorry that's another story) Having just travelled to South Africa and come back somewhat exhausted I will be glad to travel the length and breadth of the world enjoying a Festive party without having to endure another aiport ( not keen of flying)
Nice to meet you
Bye the way I use a Canon EOS300 and a 350D love both of them, but I still like my old film SLR'S for Black and White.
Will have a think!
Great idea!
Hmm...I'll have to think about it more, but the two things right off the top of my head would be to post photos of holiday decorations in your home, or write about one of the most memorable holiday parties a person has been to. I'll have to think on this longer. Sounds like fun no matter what everyone decides on!
Thank you Lynn will be delighted to attend. What fun! I suggest that all your guests bring a virtual gift, money no object or importance.
Hi Isadora,
No THAT is one office Christmas party to remember.
How wonderful to be able to visit such a beautiful city.
Keep smiling
Hi Jenera,
Three seats booked for you already, ma'am. Hope your bringing your camera!
Keep smiling
Hi Blossom Cottage,
I really enjoyed your South African post. I also have a Canon EOS 3000 that I refuse to be parted from!
Keep smiling
Hi Casdok,
So glad you think it's a good idea. I'll explain the significance of the date shortly ....
Please bring C with you to the ``virtual party". I will reserve a special spot for him.
Keep smiling
Hi Melissa,
Hope Audrey is better and do tell her that not only are kids invited to the Great Big Aussie Christmas Bash, they have a VERY important role to play.
All will be revealed .... stay tuned!
Keep smiling
Hi Lynn,
Delighted with that acceptance note. And I think the idea of the gift is absolutely wonderful.
Bravo to you for a great idea.
Keep smiling
Fun Fun Fun!!!
I'll be there/here... whatever.
Brilliant, David.
Glad you like the royal banana :-) LOL.
David, this is a fantastic idea! Count me in! Do you need any help with setting description or decorations?
i can't wait to hear more about it!
I'll be there. I love a good party and this will be my first Aussie party. I hear they get kind of wild. I'm hoping that is true. Have a great day. :)
BooHoo, the day i go back to work ---BUT-- as you say it will last quite a while so I shall be in and out but will be there sometime. Lookforward to this A.B.C. of Bloggers
(Aussie Bash Collection of Bloggers.)
I'm just gonna sit back & enjoy that gorgeous photo, David. =)
Sounds like fun - I don't know if I'll be back in time to participate, but, if I am, I'd love to attend.
I will do my best to attend. Will there be plenty of wine? ;)
I was just joshin' ya...
this sounds like great fun...you may be up all night accomodating all of the timezones...
sounds like a wonderful idea David, count us in (me and the little terrors)!
Two Days?! That's all? I'm going to drink everyone under the table. I'm Canadian - I have a reputation to uphold.
"Ejyr ;sdy yjomh ;rd dsof/Z" *
* The last thing Les said at Blogger Xmas, 2007
I have to amend the above - didn't realize the "nickname" option didn't leave my blog link. Duh (no, I haven't started drinking without you...).
Oooh party with my blog buddy! I'm there!
(sorry I've been absent lately)
he he this is fun. Can we bring blog friends or is there not space?
Count me in :)
I have a couple bottles of Lake Erie Island wine to contribute :)
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