Today is the first day of summer and as any photographer will tell you, this is the time of year when the shadows are strongest and longest. I thought I'd post these shots taken along St Kilda Road, in front of the Arts Centre. The metallic white arches are always intriguing, but I also framed the shot (above) to include the shadows cast on the footpath. I thought I had done a good job - until I walked back a couple of metres. That's when I took the second photograph (below) and I'm sure you'll agree that it's a far more striking image.

Spot on there David. Great shadows that loom across the pathway, very effective.
Joinin on my giveaway.
Yes, David! Much more striking! Did the city put those white arches up as shade from necessity? Thoughtful move that.
Something about the pictures remind me of the highschool I went to.
It is hard to think you are having summer when it is BRRRRRRR here!
Great summer images David, David, thanx for comment on my blog, will update you shortly when I have scanned all photographs I have in my position (of India)
Lovely shadows!
Why doesn't your first day of summer coincide with solstice like the first day of winter does here?
Allan Cook
Dont forget to sign-up for my giveaway.
yes, amazing what a difference a small adjustment can make sometimes. Nice shot
Wow, David!
I have NO photography skills whatsoever, but even I can see the difference between the two shots.
I thought the first one was amazing, but when I saw the second one, the difference is just striking!
Once again, you are terrific!!
I am learning so much!
very cool. I love the curve so much. Quite the photo. :)
Oh my, yes...love the angle of the shadows.
Guess what? First draft of my book is done! Thanks for all the cheer and support along the way!
I love the effects these shadows have - really cool.
You're having summer, and I'm wrapped in a blanket avoiding a severe ice storm we are having. ;-)
I'm not real good at commenting on pictures of the "civilized-world"---that I leave to the professionals of the field, like yourself!
But don't you think for ONE minute that I don't enjoy looking, enjoying, and wishing that I could have been there, in person!
But I'll just settle for having YOU as my guide on these pictorial visits. That way I CAN'T get lost...!
The shadows are a darkened mirror of brilliance. Peace, JP/deb
"The brighter the sun, hte darker the shadow" - could be a motto for the life of a Bi-Polar! I know the higher or better I feel, there will be an equivalent down in the zig-zag. Hey ho! I'm in an upper zig at the mo'.
Beautiful photos. But, I agree, the second one is much more striking. Too early to think of a better phrase, sorry.
I love your photographs and your wit. Thanks for sharing!
wow, I love these
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