Sometimes you get an interesting photograph in a place where you least expect it. This was taken in a shop that sells sewing machines. I was intrigued by the way the cotton reels were displayed with military precision. I could have zoomed in close, but I thought a more open frame was better suited to this shot.
Take a close look. A really close look. Tell me what you see. You've been REALLY observant? Okay, so you noticed the protruding white rods. You noticed the black reels. You noticed the array of colours. Ah, but did you notice the shadows that add such a discreet dimension to the scene? Did you really? Leave me a comment and 'fess up ...
No I didn't notice! I really like the picture tho. Interesting and colorful.
The shadows were noticed right away - as an artist shadows and light are my passion :)
The titles and captions of your posts are most delightful.
Delightful colors, David!
No, I didn't notice the shadows 'til you pointed them out. Once I did, it changed the whole picture for me.
YOu can bet your hiney I noticed the shadows. :) Love it.
Happy weekend David!
Futhur proof of how beautiful the small and simple are. I notice the shadows because I thought they gave more of the military precision look than the actual spools.
I did actually notice as I kept reading and looking on. Fascinating picture!
Crystal xx
Interesting photo, David! In a strange way yes. What caught my eye was the whiter outline of the shadows. I kept trying to figure out what those whitish lines were. When you mentioned shadows I looked and still didn't recognize those but I did see the light and faint shadows that lean sideways from the alternative source of lighting.
I did notice those shadows. They're very nice.
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