You can nominate a post too. Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....
Perfect choices, David. Sully's post is one of the best I've read .. a real heart-warmer, and Quintarintino's photo is so striking. Both so well-deserved.
Thanks also for the linkage to my dragonflies. You're so kind. :)
Well, that Dotterel chap is nothing if not persistent, eh? Perhaps I should nominate him? Yes, I will.
Thank you so much, David. You're very kind. I really enjoyed reading about Dorothy and visiting some of the blogs. I still have a few more to look at, so I'll come back to visit the rest! Thanks for sharing the things you find!
Well, I was going to comment then go visit all when I had the time but saw Jo's name there and hadn't read the misadventures of Miss M today so went straight away and read them all and loved them all except for one that wouldn't pull up, but I think I may have her address somewhere, so will go check and see and found that Suldog's cousin Dorothy may be a long lost relation (not really, I just decided to claim her)...wonderful choices how I do ramble on. And you haven't picked up your package at my place yet Sandi
I'm deeply sorry for only now noticing I had the honour to be remembered and awarded with a POST OF THE DAY by such a great photographer on a magnificent blog.
Thank you so much, David! And I'm so glad to see Holly's post up there as I enjoyed it hugely when I read it!
Ok, ok - maybe I'm not doing this the right way. So, here's the URL...
and the latest post is called 'New Balls, please...'
Thank you very much, David! I feel extremely honored, as usual.
Great stuff again David. Suldog's "Dorothy" is a lesson in humility.
Perfect choices, David. Sully's post is one of the best I've read .. a real heart-warmer, and Quintarintino's photo is so striking. Both so well-deserved.
Thanks also for the linkage to my dragonflies. You're so kind. :)
Well, that Dotterel chap is nothing if not persistent, eh? Perhaps I should nominate him? Yes, I will.
Thanks, David! I'm busy today, trying to recapture my quickly fleeing youth. ;-)
Looking forward to reading the others.
Thank you so much, David. You're very kind. I really enjoyed reading about Dorothy and visiting some of the blogs. I still have a few more to look at, so I'll come back to visit the rest! Thanks for sharing the things you find!
Well, I was going to comment then go visit all when I had the time but saw Jo's name there and hadn't read the misadventures of Miss M today so went straight away and read them all and loved them all except for one that wouldn't pull up, but I think I may have her address somewhere, so will go check and see and found that Suldog's cousin Dorothy may be a long lost relation (not really, I just decided to claim her)...wonderful choices how I do ramble on. And you haven't picked up your package at my place yet
Ahh thanks David, but this one definitely goes to Miss M. :D
David: I feel so honored to be mention with some other great sights. I must have missed you for the last few days but I'm glad you mentiond me.
I'm deeply sorry for only now noticing I had the honour to be remembered and awarded with a POST OF THE DAY by such a great photographer on a magnificent blog.
Thank you.
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