Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rhodes Collar

Dear Mr Freud, I Have A Lot Of Hang-Ups

Open-air clothes stall, Singapore. Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON


Rachel said...

Ha Ha Ha. Too cute :-0 Great word play.

Daryl said...

The doctor will see you after he's Eaton ..


Kat said...

The things you think to photograph. You are so clever!

Sandi McBride said...

Oh but how I love all those colors!

polona said...

clever and funny.
i would have never thought of photographing this...

Gone Back South said...

Funky collars and pink hangers

Petunia said...


jams o donnell said...

Great shot. I love the rich colours.

SandyCarlson said...

Great one, David! Thanks for the great color. (I never saw pink commercial hangers before!)

Woman in a Window said...

Love the absurdity of the pink least, they're absurb to me.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Ha. Clever! VERY Clever!

Cynthia said...

Clever indeed!

Hey, I sent the answers again to your interview questions...let me know if you didn't get them:)

Jane said...

You should see my closet - maybe I should get me one of those contraptions - would save a lot of space. Colourful photo, cute play on words.

Lia Hollander said...

those sure are bright! i wonder how long they will stay that way.

Tess Kincaid said...

Looks like these are the primary collars.

Moosekahl said...

Just the pink hangers give me the chills, looks like a serious hangup

Lori said...

I love the color in this...fantastic! Wish I could stay at this site and read all day!

Unknown said...

Cool photo! I like the pink hangers.

holly said...

i have absolutely *no* hangups about this. i always love your wordplay. ALWAYS.

Anonymous said...

haha! wise!and colorful!

Anonymous said...

Soccer jerseys sold on the street? :)
I think you'll need A LOT of SD cards if you come here again :)

Lori said...

Oh my, almost all the color combos you might want:) Happy WW.

suchsimplepleasures said...

what a great pic!! but,to be expected over here!!
hope all is going well with you!

Anonymous said...

Pretty utty or should I say In Pink ;)

Merisi said...

I love the little baby girl pink hangers! :-)

Maggie May said...

Love the vibrant colours of the shirts hanging on baby pink hangers. Really good shot.

BNS said...

Clothes for those who prefer primary colors! Happy WW, David.


Mima said...

Great colours there, and lovely lines through the pic.

PRH said...

Those are some colors David......outstanding.

Hilary said...

So colourful.. I'm hooked!

Cath said...

Dear Mr. Authorblog,
So do I.
Maybe I needed to get out more.

Siegmund Freud.

just jamie said...

It's all been said above me here, but you are clever indeed. So, now I'm wondering just *what* these hangups may be...