Saturday, September 01, 2007

Cowboys And Engines

Introducing .... The Rodeo Drivers

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

His name's Mark, but he answers to Bundy. (To all my non-Australian readers, that's Bundy as in Bundaberg the rum, which in turn is named after Bundaberg in Queensland.) That's Bundy's ute (read pickup, in other parts of the world) in the background. And if you run into Bundy at the 2007 Deniliquin World Record Ute Muster tell him I sent you. And tell him that I'm still in awe of his avowal - when asked how much of the vehicle was his craftsmanship - that ``every nut and bolt'' was his work. The burgundy ute was gleaming in the sun, with the legend ``Bundy made me do it'' painted along the side.

And this is Dani (above), who came up to have a yarn, in that wonderful, geuinely friendly manner of country folk. She and her partner were down in Melbourne for the day to promote the muster, on the last weekend of September. To see more photographs, go to Muster And Commander and Ute Tube.

Bundy and Dani, if you're reading this, good luck for the muster and I hope it's a great bonanza for the bush (Outback, for my overseas readers) which as both of you pointed out, was hit so hard by the drought.


Annie said...

It must be hot and dry there. His lips look parched (pass him some more drink, mate) and she has a bit of sunburn on her cheeks, right?

Jules said...

Wow - the memories!! I used to drink a lot of Bundy when I was younger - more a wine girl now!!!

Great photos especially the first with the fabulous reflection.

Thanks for popping into rabaul !!!

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

I should like to visit someday.. perhaps taste that Bundy that you speak of. Until now I will have to take your word on how it is.

Nice article David.

eric1313 said...

Hope the drought conditions break soon. Austrailia is often a dry enough place to be.

I moved this week so I've been incredibly busy. Glad for yours and everyone's patience.

Merisi said...

Wow, what craftmanship (and sure, no one would ever think "Al"
would have gotten up from his sofa *g*)!
I was standing in front of the Esterhazy Palace near Sopron in Hungary yesterday and marvelling about the craft and artistry of the creators of the exquisite wrought iron work of the entrance gate. Good to see that there are still people out there who are great craftsmen in their own way.
Love the image, composition, colours, reflections, everything. You must have had great fun capturing it.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Annie,

Great attention to detail - and so accurate.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Jules,

I thought you'd enjoy the reference to a familiar label! Glad you liked the shots - as you know, I've been enjoying your blog too.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Hearts,

Thank you, Glad you liked it. Here's a confession (looks around furtvely and whispers) ...

I've never drunk Bundy!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Eric,

Hope the move went well. Take it easy, get organised first ...

We ain;t going anywhere.

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Merisi,

Loved your reference to Al! You're so right about craftsmanship - and the pride in creation as well.

Keep smiling


Easybreathingfella said...

Don't know much about rodeo's, but sure like your photo's

G'day mate


Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Sure does look hot over your way. Wish I could say the same for where I am! The angle of the reflections from his sunglasses is perfect, you always make it sound so effortless..

david mcmahon said...

G'day Keith,

Always nice to hear from you. Glad you liked the photographs.

Keep smililng


david mcmahon said...

Hi Carol,

Dunno about effortless - it was difficult to get it all right in the harsh sunlight.

But that's the fun of working outdoors - ya gotta work with what ya get!

Keep smiling
