Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stick With Me

I Don’t Have A Glue How This Happens

A Romanian man has become known as the Human Magnet because things stick to him like glue. Hospital worker Aurel Raileanu can even make a 50lb (22kg) television set cling to his chest and is building a career on his strange abilities. He works as a kineto-therapist - using the healing qualities of his powers to help people recover from accidents. The 40-year-old bachelor doesn't even know how it works. He says he just focuses his mind on something, releasing a feeling of magnetic attraction that makes even the heaviest object stick to him. To view an unusual picture of his powers, go to Ananova.

FOOTNOTE: More than a magnetic personality.


lime said...

that is just bizarre!!!

Grundir the Implacable said...

I once had some hobbit stuck to the bottom of my boot. I had to use a stick to get it off.

Alex L said...

The healing powers of glue... I dont quite know how that would work

david mcmahon said...

Hi Lime,

I'm trying to work out the science of it!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

G'day Grundir,

I thought nothing could get rid of Hobbits!

Keep smiling


david mcmahon said...

Hi Your Eminence,

If anyone know about healing powers, you do, mate!

Keep smiling


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I get a lot ov stuff stikin to my fur sumtimes. Fluff, mostly. But also choklit peanuts, if I sat on wun.

John said...

If I were him I would walk into a bank and concentrate on all that money, just to see what happens.

FHB said...

Things like that are just too weird. Yuri Geller type stuff.

Anonymous said...

...and yet conversely, they've just invented a chewing gum that doesn't stick to anything! No lumps on the pavements, under tables or bedposts I believe! Weird science. :)

Pete M said...

There are some weird and wonderful things going on in this world. david this link is from the same sight, you may have already seen it

Bout a former toolmaker creating the ultimate sex aid. Said she had not had sex for 15 years and this unit does the business. Im sure if she walked past a revving motorcycle she would have the same feeling