While I am drawn to strong colours and unusual perspectives on everyday sights, I frequently photograph monochromes because I revel in a challenge. There's this friend of ours from Sydney who makes the best mayonnaise and this jar had just been finished (alas). It had been washed and dried and was sitting on the kitchen bench mid-afternoon and I just thought I could get a great shot. The trick is to make it instantly recognisable, while inviting you to take a second look at an intriguingly familiar image. I hope it's worked....
Click here: Pentax K100D, Shutter speed 1/250, F6.7, ISO speed 200.
Yeah, nice pic, if yu like that sort ov thing, but I rekkon it wud look better if it wer full ov choklit peanuts.
I really like this picture, dave. But I like the monochromes. How do you make mayonnaise?
Hi BTBear,
Choklit peanuts? Yep, but I'd prefer some more mayonnaise....
Keep smiling
Hi B,
So glad you like the picture. It sorta jumped out at me and said ``Photograph me, photograph me NOW''!
Dunno, I've never made mayonnaise before. But hey, I'll have to ask this friend for her recipe. Hers is AWE-some.
Keep smiling
Great image. I like that kind of shot - something ordinary made special, kind of.
Although, that type of jar isn't particularly "ordinary" around here.
G'day Les,
How Project X going? Great to see you revealed all yesterday.
Glad you liked this picture. Like I said, it was just telling ``Get ya camera and photograph me!'
Keep smiling
Hi David, what a great photo. I love how you've take a simple, everyday object and made it into a work of art. Very nice.
If you want to continue to enjoy mayo - I'd recommend not finding out how its made - all the eggs and whipping of eggs, did I mention it has eggs in it?
Thanks for the congrats David. x
Hi Dave,
Nice picture, the monochrome really goes well with this sort of picture. It does make you stop and look twice, even though it's an everyday thing.
Just wanted to tell you that I've got some pictures from the new Fujifilm camera up on my blog now as you sounded interested to have a look. It's amazing how close up that camera can get!
I really love this image.
I have done a lot of black and white, developing and printing myself silver gelatine prints, so I appreciate this kind of photography.
Of course the repetition of the lines, the rectangles ones sort of reflecting the glass rings, was a stroke of genius. What was is there, in the background?
Thanks for stopping by my blog;))
I love photography, but I don't know much about it. I just like taking pictures. Very cool.
Hi Babzy,
Very kind words indeed. I'm flattered that you reckon it's a piece of art.
I get a lot of pleasure out of photographing everyday sights just the way they are.
Thanks once again
Keep smiling
Hi Deborah and B,
Now you've got me curious, too. I'm off to try and whip up some mayonnaise - literally!
Keep smiling
Hi Papoosue,
Now worries a all. I think it was a terrific achievement.
But we all knew the quality of your work.
Keep smiling
Thanks David,
Glad you liked the shot. I've been keen to see some shots taken with your new camera, so I'll mosey over.
Keep smiling
Hi Merisi,
And I always thought gelatine was edible! The rectangular lines are the angled draining board on the kitchen sink.
Glad you liked the shot. I took four frames and I reckon this one had the edge over the others.
Keep smiling
Hi Kari Lee,
Great t know you like photography. I've posted a few useful hints for budding photographers here on this blog.
If you can't find them, let me know and I'll send you the links.
Keep smiling
wonderful, really love the light here and the basic almost black and white being shot in color. love the subtle variations.
I love that this photo gives the illusion of being black & white without actually being black & white!
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