Sunday, June 01, 2008

Weekend Wandering

Please answer today's question on your own blog, any time until next weekend. Just link to this blog (or to this post) so I can follow the progress of the discussion.

The question is: Do you believe in "forgive and forget"?


Shrinky said...

I forgive, but I rarely forget.

imac said...

Yes if its a friend.

Cath said...

Forgiving is one thing. Forgetting is hard. I'll be doing this. Catch you later!

SandyCarlson said...

Food for thought for the morning walk, David. I'm with CrazyCath. Will be back....

Maggie May said...

Will post later!

Dave Coulter said...

It seems like once I got past age thirty I developed a greater capacity for this.

While I agree with the others (above) about "the forgetting" but it's helpful sometimes to be able to let things go...

Salute said...

Easy to forgive, but it hard to forget.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Sometimes it's hard to forgive.......but forgetting is even harder.

Debbie said...

very hard to forget. In fact - nearly impossible for me.

Uncle Dick Madeley said...

I believe in holding onto grudges as long as possible and then, when they have condensed into nuggets of pure bile, releasing them an enclosed space, preferably in close proximity to kittens, mimes, and people who say 'do you know what mean'.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

If we forget everything we are eternally happy.

We are eternal gits too. Repeating the same mistakes over and over without a chance to grow.

I wish there was a pill to forget. Forget every horrible thing. We could truly choose to forget if we want to, than.

But if we truly forgive and never forget, we don't truly forgive.

It is an odd phrase that really means try to get past the transgression and try not to bring it up again.

Where's my pill box? I heard if you take some beta blockers after a traumatic event you forget it or the sting of it.

Jo said...

Will you forgive me for answering the question on your blog?

In a word "no". But... forgiveness is supposed to be cleansing for the victim not the perpetrator. So I suppose forgiveness is a good thing. But human nature being what it is, forgiveness is a very difficult concept. So many other emotions are involved, depending on the offense - betrayal, pain, confusion. I believe in the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

It's easier to forgive and forget, I think, if it's a family member, otherwise I do find it difficult.

Anonymous said...

Great question. Forgetting is definitely the more difficult I think. I've had an experience myself this year along these lines. But I shall blog about my own version of forgiving and forgetting later in the week. Thank you for encouraging a thought-provoking post, David.

Crystal xx

Dave Coulter said...

I think that memory is why true forgiveness is hard won.

i beati said...

absolutely I haven't a moment to waste on grudges and negative energy will kill me ..seriously

Ruth L.~ said...

Do I believe it should be done? Yes, for the good of all. Do I believe it can be done? I can forgive . . . but my memory won't be silenced. But after awhile it stops reminding me so often

SandyCarlson said...

I answered this one here. Thanks for this food for thought.

alicesg said...

I have to agreed half of it.
I can forgive but I wont forget.

Bradley's Mom said...

Hi David:

I agree with those before me. Forgiveness is possible and a good thing, indeed. Forgetting is hard, but time helps with that.

Please forgive ME for not visiting lately.........lots going on around here to prevent my free time from happening!


Maggie May said...

My post is now in & called The Bridge.

Cath said...

Hi David - my post is up here

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hmmmmm. I believe in forgive but it's not always easy to forget.

Lee said...

Okay, David, it's been a while since I did one of these but, my response is up. :)


orneryswife said...

Well, just in time for the NEXT weekend wandering, I have this response up. Here is the url;
Happy weekend!

family affairs said...

MOB asked me to expand on my experience of "Forgive and Forget" as I'd left a comment on Maggie's post about it....I'm hopeless at links - how do I link my post back to you? Anyway, you might prefer that I don't ! It's quite long...Lx

Jo Beaufoix said...

Yay, I actually did this one. Sorry it's been a while. :D