There I was, on my way home after work when suddenly my photography antenna responded to an unusual sight. About fifty metres in front of me and one lane away was a van carrying some beautiful terracotta pottery for a garden specialist. Yeah, you're thinking, so what? But on the left of the load I could see not one but two horse heads (no, I wasn't getting flashbacks to that famous scene from The Godfather).

Regular readers of this blog would know that I always have my camera with me and in this case it was in front, on the passenger seat. The traffic was fairly light, so I was able to change lanes and tuck myself in behind the van. But just when you want a red light, there never is one, is there?

So I sat patiently behind the van for a couple of kilometres, thinking I might have to follow him all the way to Bairnsdale in country Victoria for the shot. (Yep, I would have done that, too!) Then came not one but two intersections where the lights turned red, allowing me to take three or four quick shots. Like all good horse races, this was really a photo finish!
What a great set of pictures, your sence of fun come out very well in this post.
David's Gone Potty with his Photography.:):)All in the line of his duty.
i'm loving it...often times i'll find the perfect thing to take a photograph of and no camera! then when i have my camera..nothing(kind of like when women shop..which i don't like to do a lot of) lol but then there are moments when it's just right :)
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
What great whimsical shots!
You are such an incredible photographer, I love these!
I gues one can say that you've been horsin' around again!
Those are really neat! I know what you mean about wanting to get a photo, but can't get a red light when you actually want it!
I think I would've stolen the pots.
Well if Misty Dawn says she admires you, then I figured you must be a photographer! I like your attitude, and I think from what I've seen and read so far, you capture the essence of life. In all it's multi-faceted essence, that is! ;-)
hello david, nice to visit your blog. these horses are quite beautiful. worth the challenge!
Well, I for once prefer your horse heads to the one Padrino was greeted with in the morning.
I definitely was too young for that movie, I haven't watched the other ones in the series.
I like . I can envision these in certain places where the flowing vinery (delicate) could decorate the saddle etc
Those are amazing - both the photos and the horses!
Your horse heads are much cooler(and neater) than the ones arranged by the Corleones ;-)
You are inspiring me to carry my camera around with me more often.
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