Mercury Rising And Rising And Rising

These pictures were shot at 8.30 last night. We were on our way home from dinner at a restaurant when we realised the timing could not have been better to shoot the setting sun. Both these photographs were taken at the end of our street, as the sun sank to end a real scorcher. It was 107 Fahrenheit today and it's going to be equally hot tomorrow. I'll be the bloke sitting under an ice pack!

My fingers are turning blue; it's rainy and cold here.
That shot helps me hold out for spring. (Although 107 is not my cup of tea either. Take care.)
It's not fair, I should live somewhere like that!
If you want to cool off, come over to my place; and pick up an award at the same time.
Ah well, I spose a grey and rainy day, **********
Enjoy while its there, what with this climate change stuff who knows - us in the UK may be in your situation soon.
And NO Im not
Nice Sky watch David.
Stunning, David--that radiant sun peeking through the foliage.
I didn't realize it's so warm there right now. Too bad I can't scrape some ice off the gallery parking lot for your ice pack.
Need a break from the Aussie heat?
Head on up to scenic fun filled North West Ohio.
It's not frigid yet, but it's heading in that direction.
Wonderful photos, David. As I told myself all last summer: "Keep cool!"
Exquisite photos, David! I love the heat blurred imagery you captured. Reminds me of the heated air coming off the roads in S. Texas.
You just lead me into a self directed geography lesson. I'd been wondering how you could complain about Aussie heat after living in India. Now I know. You not only left a tropical dry or tropical wet climate when you moved from India, you went to one that is considered arid and is quite a few degrees below India. I realize now why I thought India was hot. It's along the equator. Australia isn't so I hadn't made the connection. Now I can teach this new knowledge to my students. Thanks!
Joy and a cold bowl of your favorite flavor of ice cream!
Oooh David! Are you trying to make anyone jealous?! It's so cold here in the very North of England. Snow has been covering the beautiful landscape of the Scottish Highlands now for some time and I don't think it's far away from us either.
Crystal xx
Woooohooo, that sounds HOT.. That's Texas weather yer havin'. Hold it together man. Beautiful pictures by the way.
Hey, thank you! You might be interested in my other blog where I post my audio book, Middle Ditch, quirky tales of village life. Hope to see you there too!
Lovely pictures by the way.
oh David! That first shot is just stunning. WOW!
107 degrees? oh how horribly hot! how do you stand it?
No Sunset in Western Ohio tonight.....rain and 35 F....
Great Shots!
Hi David,
I saw you comments on "northbays/Craig" blog but he is not there for a while, so I visit yours instead, I hope you don't mind.
Great sunset, anyway the colours are beautiful and you were lucky to have your camera on you.
I living in Holland , but I travel a lot, my passion is photography.
I showed today some lightballs ( Holland/The Hague)for a special reason on my blog, you might like to see them? You are welcome,
JoAnn's Digital eyes
Thanks for calling by - amazing the ripple effect of finding a new blog. Love your photographs, especially boxing glove and street fan - they're the sort of images I take.
I only have to look at that flaming sun disappearing for the day and it gives me heat stroke! Beautiful photographs though, they certainly capture the brutal Aussie summer perfectly. I'm just over the border in South Australia, the heat as been as intolerable here. I'm counting the days down until Autumn.
Best Wishes,
I live in Phoenix, AZ I understand 107 degrees F!!!!
I came by to check you out!
I can't wait to check out your book. I want to write a novel...It's the getting started...
Gorgeous sunset photos David.
I may have to reconsider my residency - heat sounds way better than cold.
you captured the sunset beautifully!
Oh, that is hot! You captured some wonderful images. I like the way the leaves seem to be melting in the first shot.
Thanks for a warm moment.
Enjoy your summer! Nice framing.
Oh we had our share of that during the summer. Now it's your turn! Of course it wasn't quite that hot.
Nice sunset pictures!
These are beautiful! I love the sun peeking through the trees!
A lot cooler here! Interesting photos as always David.
Great framing on the sunset. Nice shots! :)
wonderful captures. as for the hot weather, we like a little bit higher Fahrenheit here
Beautiful photos.
nice capture my friend.
Great shot of the setting sun! I can't believe how hot it was! Whew! Hope you get some relief soon! Is it normally that hot...or was this one of those record days?
Wow! Beautiful photos!
David, you are great photographer. You capture great sky watch series.
It's rainy here, love the color of the sun in your picture.
I'm glad it's not that hot here, but those are two super captures so I can enjoy them without having to sweat!
Great job!
Looks like your summers are about like ours. It's really cold here now. I'm ready for spring.
Sorry I haven't been by. My DSL has been down for a week. It's good to be back. Have a great day. :)
Beautiful as always, David.
107° is just too hot.
Could you send some of that heat to me? I don't like being cold!
I love how you got the sun 'framed' in these shots!
that is an absolutely stunning pic...great shot
The sun looks like it is melting right out of the sky! I'd trade you some warmth for some of our chill - it is 6C here today.
This just in:
You know it's January in Melbourne when:
- Hot water comes out of both taps.
- The birds need to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
- Farmers feed their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs.
Looks like a blazing fire. Beautiful.
Hi David
I'm playing catch up on Sky Watch..
These two are stunning and warmed me up just looking at them...
All the very best for what is left of the weekend, I'll catch up again in the week..
Oh no, that is awful. I was in New Jersey once when it was 106°F and my car wouldn't even work. The whole experience of that heat was too scary. Give me -20°F any old time. But I have to say, your photo is magnificent. It communicates that heat.
Mind is here.
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