Stop - In The Name Of The Lore

Okay, so it's not often you get to photograph a vehicle from about ten metres directly above it. But there I was, crossing one of the two airbridges at Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport that connect the main terminal to the Hilton and the multi-level car park.
Because I'm curious by nature, I always look around - and lo and behold, I caught sight of this ute. (That's Aussie-speak for utility vehicle, or what some of you would call a pickup or a tray truck.) Luckily I always have my camera with me, so I used the long lens to zoom in on a really unusual sight. You could say it was a sign of the times!
It's a sign! ;)
OMG that's real?? When I looked at the photo, I thought it was maybe of a model! Like in a model train village!
There's something rather poetic about it, isn't there?
Thanks for the inspiration this weekend, by the way. I've finally dived into my first round of editing. Scary but exhilarating!
Never too late to learn. We watch Neighbours and when someone said "Get in the ute", in my head they said jute.
Does that make sense?
Good composition, David. You have a sharp eye to find such an opportunity and quick mind to take advantage of it! How long did it take you to develop that habit and readiness?
I was out walking around this morning and had just turned my camera off when I heard a whirring, turned around and saw the rare shot of a duck flying at hip level down the drive. Bad words ran through my head as I regretted missing that one.
Nice shot - good to be in the right place at the right time with a charged battery...!
M&S here have had a recent pasting over dodgy furniture deliveries as well. The quality of the clothing is still generally better than their rivals tho.
Between the influence of you, Mushy and FHB, I have finally learned to bring the camera along MOST of the time and I am grateful for that new habit you have instilled in me. The blog will certainly reap that benefit.
If you yell "Ute!" in our neck of the woods, you might come face-to-face with a rather tall red warrior. Think I will stick to "Pick-up!" and only have to answer to various bar floozies with an attitude.
Great shot! I'd love to hear some of your ghost stories! You should post some on your blog.
So cool that you used to cover Wimbledon-that would be like a dream come true for me!
How surprisingly colorful this picture is!
Ute did good David.
Very good and difficult photograph from extraordinary corner, and with the colours that all we know. Instructive post.
Lucky for you there was something interesting inside it! Could have been a collection of old buckets and boots. lol nice shot.
I wonder if they were putting up or taking away those signs. It could mean getting around the airport faster or missing your plane. ;P
Thanks for dropping by to visit my blog today. Hope you'll feel welcome to drop in any time.
I keep my camera pretty close too. It's my favorite gadget!
The STOP sign's placement is oh-so-perfect. Great seizure-of-moment.
Thanks to you, David, I was able to answer a crossword puzzle clue about Australian trucks about a month ago by filling in "UTE".
What's the deal with the ROUND stop sign? Wouldn't that be even more difficult to cut out from the sheet metal, compared to an octagon?
I hope they did not need that stop sign. lol.
great job!
I LOVE these types of shots... those priceless ones that make you so grateful you had your camera with you (and that the battery wasn't dead!)
I also thought it was something from a model train setup, btw.
Pay close attention to the SIZE of the post on that sign. My friend that I mentioned on my site was impaled on a road sign today when her car skidded out on the ice. She's stable but has a long rehab ahead of her. For now, she's safe. SCARY!
I hope to God that you NEVER get your hands on a helicopter! Some of the things you'd catch goin' on in MY neck of the woods would curl the back-hairs off'n a Sasquatch...!
Hm, doesn't this look like sometimes you has to look down below to get the message?
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