In the old days, a cowboy would sling his panniers across the broad back of his trusty stallion. Now, it seems, some motorcyclists have custom-built storage containers on their hogs. I spotted this motorcycle parked on the side of a road in India when I was there three weeks ago. As someone who rode a motorcycle for ten years (there's something you didn't know about me) I have a terrific empathy for anyone on two wheels.
What really struck me about this scene (above) was the fact that the owner must surely have been a Sensitive New Age Guy.
What really struck me about this scene (above) was the fact that the owner must surely have been a Sensitive New Age Guy.
Have a good look at the close-up version (below) and tell me if you spot the little details that caught my eye. First, check out the hand-painted floral patterns and the intricate, symmetrical border. Second, you gotta give the guy credit for the red heart and the word "Love" painted in the middle of the heart.

And I'm awarding him several brownie points for the fact that whoever crafted the metal storage unit even went so far as to incorporate a delicate clasp and lock. It's a pretty big lock - and it's a perfect colour match for the metal. Thumbs-up for that.
But I was rather disconcerted to notice that the chrome exhaust stack had taken a bit of punishment. The owner loses points for the oil streaks, as well as fact that the exhaust pipe had copped more battering than a plate of fish and chips.
It seems to me that his lover has made it for him. It really has a woman's touch and what an eye for detail you have.
Yes i noticed the word Love straight away, being an incurable romantic. Lovely box/container. Looks lovingly hand crafted and probably personally, i'd say. Top marks from me!
I love that storage box. As for the battered exhaust, having nursed my husband back to health after 4 motorcycle accidents, I kindly suggest that you don't judge too harshly until you hear how the pipe got battered.
Lovely shot! I like the container too. If I saw that on a bike in Texas I'd think right away that it was a woman rider. I've known several women who did good stuff with bikes. Are you sure it's a man?
that's cute. it's got real personality even if it seems to be the antithesis of what a biker is.
i love me a nice bike...sigh......
How sweet. I wonder if the owner is a man or a woman? I think a vacation in Australia would be cool if not for the time on the plane. Thanks for the comment on my blog.
Could be the exhaust got battered by some bruit bikers who didn't like his metal "fag bag" hanging on the side.
I dunno,I'm just guessing.
BTW,your photos are very stunning.I wish I had a knack for photography.
Smart bike box there David.
Yet have you thought it even might be a GIRL Biker????
Well, like others, I think this is the work of a woman, whether she is the biker's sweet or the biker herself.
Thanks for the visit to my blog.
Why do you assume it belongs to a man? Lots of women ride bikes these days and that little box just might indicate it's a woman's. But great photo - I was just about to click on the first photo to see it in larger format when I noticed you already had done that for us. Thanks! :D
Maybe, just maybe the owner of the bike was a woman!! Great photo!!
Thanks for the visit and comment..it means a lot to me!!
It's always interested me to find out what little ditties of imagination and art other people add to their vehicles. nice post and great pictures David.
peace, Kai
How unexpected to see something of this decorative nature on a motorcycle. Maybe it was made by a woman. I think it's fantastic as far as it's engineering. Is it embossed?
Kindest regards,
Great photos... brings back many memories of fun times on my own bike.
I too am of the opinion that it's a girls bike. The items you mention (delicate clasp and lock and red heart with "Love" written on it) all suggest a feminine hand.
I go with the comment consensus - it might have been a lady rider! I would occasionally note disappointment on the faces of blokes admiring my Commando when I showed up. Of course, most found the prospect quite exciting back then. I made my first panniers from aluminum plate for my cross country but then made a set later from hand-tooled leather. They came out quite befitting the bike, too, not girly at all.
P.S. remember; a tiny 2 stroke is no hog
How striking...I could stare at that for quite some time with rapt enjoyment.
That is a great box, I could think of lots to things to do with it other than to put in on the side of a donor cycle :) Motorcycles do keep me in business in the summer months though.
Really neeat. Never seen this before. i prefer this to the canvas and plastic carriers you see on two wheelers. I hope no one steals it.
I think he made this to please his girlfriend. Nice looking storage box.
David, very interesting indeed. What intrigued me was not the "love" but rather the mark in the metal. Do you know what it means? Rel-Quo I think it says, with what appears to be an impression of a pig ... maybe. Great picture.
I'm late to the post, so others have already pointed out that the bike quite possibly may belong to a woman.
it looks like an antique trunk that has been saddled onto the bike...looks cute!!!!!
This has style - the box is probably there to distract you from looking at the dented exhaust pipe - except of course anyone who takes more than a passing interest
I love this post. And also the bike... :-)
Nice blog, nice post. Great work.
//Jadu, India, BLR
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