Today we have a tie for first spot, with Deborah Gamble's
Your Are rarely As Cool As You Thin (Part 1) and Les Becker's
Be One With The Shovel. They were closely followed by Confessions of a Rotten Correspondent with
Envelope Please; Oh How My Winter Nights Fly with
Lack of Sleep, Coffee and Paint Fumes; Caffeine Court (who is on the list for the second consecutive day) with
A Trip Down Memory Lane With The Boy Next Door; Suldog with the wacky
Certifiable? I Can Only Hope So; Rambling Traveler with
Getting Uncomfortablel Travistee with
I’m Not That Woman and Wit's End with
Thoughts For A January Evening. Please pay them a visit and leave a comment.
I may appear insane, but I know a good friend when I see one. Thanks!
Gtreat ones also Maithri
Thank you for the mention, David! I'm enjoying the return of Post of the Day, you always find good stories to share.
Thank you, David.
I have visited two blogs so far and am still wiping tears from my eyes. Guess which ones (and oh how I needed them today!).
Sul has a true opportunity here and I hope he succeeds in getting a part. He has a great portfolio...don't you think!
I think I may need to pick up a new shovel...maybe one in red...seems I've been raising a little hell lately and some folks think it's out of character...they just don't know me that well...like these sites you've mentioned...I like crazy
Thanks for your visit to my blog, good to meet you. Yes, Muskoka is a lovely area, glad you have enjoyed your visits to Canada. I've posted a bit more about our Robbie Burns Supper today, do you celebrate Robbie Burns Day in Australia?
Wow! AGAIN, I get to wear a crown?! This is a groovy-cool week if ever I had one...
Now, do I get to wear it half the time, or do I get half-a-crown (I have two Half-a-Nannies - so they may fight over it...)?
I'll stop now, I've confused even myself. Thanks, David - I can't wait to tell Ruby we "won" something!
I've visited one of them, which is all i had time for today, but hey ho it was fun.
i believe i said my "to stalk" list...but, i'll switch it over to my "to read" list...come to think of it, they are one and the same!!!
and...don't even tell my kids ANYTHING! when they phone, pretend you are a hold button, and sing!!! ok? thanks!
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