24-Carrot Value From India's Highway Vendors

With this week's theme being "delicious" I considered several submissions before finally settling on these two shots. Why? Simply because they are so unusual. They were taken a couple of weeks ago in India, during an eight-hour road trip from Dehra Dun to New Delhi. We must have passed half a dozen roadside vegetable vendors and I was struck by the artistic and creative manner in which they displayed their wares.
I was also intrigued by the bright red colour of the carrots, whereas I always remember the carrots of my own Indian childhood being orange. Then I was told that the winter crop, especially in north India, always produces carrots that are a deep red.
The picture above was taken a few kilometres after we passed through the town of Roorkee and at this point I'd like you to take a crucial element into account. Because we were on a tight schedule and I had a flight to catch, we could not stop every time I saw a photo opportunity. There were hundreds of times I would gladly have stopped to compose a shot, but instead I had to simply wind down the window of our four-wheel drive and try and fire off a shot while the vehicle was moving at speeds of sixty kilometres an hour or more.
This photograph (below) shows a second highway vendor several kilometres away from the first one and at this stage I'd like to point out a few interesting facts, if you haven't already noticed them. In the first shot, you can see the ubiquitous black bicycle that is such a part of rural India (you can see the seat and part of the wheel on the left). And you'll notice that wonderful, mellow Indian winter haze in the background. Then look in the background and you'll see a set of stairs. They are actually "stairs to nowhere" because it looks like the builder has abandoned the project. All in all, some nice poetic elements for a really unusual photograph.
Finally, if you haven't noticed it already, take a close look at the wheels of the vegetable vendor's cart in the photograph below. The metal frame of each wheel is severely warped, leaving each one bent at impossible angles. Not a single wheel points in the same direction or is at the same angle as any of the others. In India, these things are not a problem. Wonky wheels are not an issue, but fresh vegetables certainly are. I guess this is an "a la cart" menu at its best.

That is a very interesting display of food. Great pic. Have a great weekend.
You say when you took this shot, you immediately thought of me. Was it the wonky wheels or the stairs leading to nowhere?
Red carrots is not something I'm familiar with... it's like a work of art the way they display vegetables... very nice!
Rocky Mountain Retreat
Hi Jennwa,
Thank you - I'll have to try and match the creativity of it the next time I display a salad!
Hi San,
You always make me smile. No, I thought of you simply because of the artistic factor!!!
But I guess we all have wonky wheels and we all climb stairs that lead to nowhere - at some stage in our lives!
Say hi to Bennie for me.
Hi Michele,
I thought maybe they'd been coated with something for the purposes of the display. It was a red alert!!!
That's delicious AND beautiful!
Wow, those are beautiful. Great shots!
Cool shot David...they always are;) I hope you are feeling better...
Great pictures, neat observations. I wonder if red carrots taste the same as orange ones.
Interesting pictures. Nice composition. Have a great weekend!
Mine's up. It's titled Can you do the splits?
These are wonderful shots David and indeed the food is quite artistically displayed.
Do the red carrots have the same flavor as the orange? Love your caption as usual.
Interesting pictures from what looks like an interesting place.I wonder how long it took to push the carts to their locations with those wheels?
Great shot showing interesting local color, David. Where I grew up used to be famous for "winter vegetables". Do you know if the color or season affects the taste?
Those are beautiful photographs of beautiful food which I bet is quite delicious. Hope you have a pleasant weekend.
Fresh, healthy and delicious stuff.
Come over to my delicious hunt and enjoy.
I love this post and the appreciation you have for their work. I will be back\My brother is going to India by himself next month I think he is looking for something do you think he will find it?
Send some here...our vegetables are miserable. We could spice the place up with a few red carrots! My delicious is crunchy but not a vegetable.
A very interesting post and pictures! I enjoyed seeing and reading this!
Very creative of them to display their fresh greens :)It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle
Really interesting way to display vegetables, and those wheels are something else!
WOW! presentation is everything, eh?
As yours is healthy, mine is just the opposite David.
Until this week I was unaware that carrots came in any color except orange. I found a bag of yellow carrots, more like a creamy color, at the store, and here you show some red ones. Next thing you know they'll be purple ones! These were great photos, and amazing that you got them through the moving car window!
What a pretty way to display the produce. Do red carrots have more beta carotene than the orange kind?
Very interesting displays of veggies! Matter of fact, great shots, for on the fly shooting!! Some on my best shots have been on the fly. I love the surprises that they bring too, you never know what shows up!!
Happy Weekend!
Very interesting food and amazing shots too:) My deliciousness pics are up as well;-) Happy Weekend!
Red carrots! I didn't believe it and had to take a closer look at your photos before accepting it. They look like chillies at first. :) I wonder how they taste.
The trip to India must have been awesome. I envy you.
wow - they are unusual. They look more like art of clay than the real thing. Must have been fun to see and photograph!
Very artistic! Love it!
Real special pictures and the wheels are so funny, lol !
I wondered if I was hallucinating and imagining that the carrots were really red. It was a relief to read that they were red.
The veggie displays are beautiful - I'd love finding vendors like this alongside my travelled streets.
My bicycle bears some similarity to the bicycle photographed here.
Great choice David. So unique and beautiful.
hope you are doing better.
my delish-ious...is up. :)
So colourful! And looks so tasty!
.....Yeah....yawn.. good photos..but when you mention carats, i'm thinking DIAMONDS DARLING. THEN you'd be talking...!
hey, nice to found this blog.
and yes, i agree with all of the people here...
it was a nice shot. did you observe how long the seller must spent on doing that?
Those vegetables are displayed like mosaics.
mInteresting. I've never seen white carrots, or red carrots before!
the colors look so delicious to me...tahnks for sharing,
Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfmylife and
2Cents Worth . Hope you can visit me too. Happy Hunting.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really adore these shots, especially the wonky wheels with the gorgeous display of red carrots. Great pics!
when you drive from dum dum airport to the city,you see village folks selling their vegetable produce literally fresh off the
ground.spinach,cabbage,cauliflower and other green vegetables are plucked and sold.and they too display their products in an artistic manner.one can't think of fresher vegetables than these and particularly during this time of the year.
You put alot of work into that post, makes me want to try harder next time hehe. Great pics. :)
That's a great take on Delicious theme! Have a great weekend!
wonderful post . I see there are many shades of carrots . I live such a sheltered life ha . Wonder about the taste??Jamie Oliver says they are all good for you some shades moreso than others. thanks David
what a great composition is this :) and delicious :) and healthy :)
Thank you for sharing.
Greetings from Poland,
The photos and write-up makes me smile.
Such sights are so common to us that we hardly notice them.
Thank you David for for making them stand out.
Happy New Year.
Thanks, David, for your words and photos. I enjoy them tremendously, having found your blog through my dear friend San's. Your thoughtful India photos have helped make the anticipation of my own upcoming trip to SE India even more pleasurable.
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