Friday, June 06, 2008

Glove At First Sight

Thirst Among Equals

A man was arrested for robbing a Starbucks in Boulder, Colorado - when he returned two days later for a coffee. He was wearing the same yellow gloves, red backpack and wire-rimmed glasses he allegedly wore during the robbery. He fled after he was spotted by a detective who was in the shop, quizzing staff about the raid.

FOOTNOTE: Trouble brewing.


Mima said...

Yet another case of how stupid can you get! You do wonder what goes through someone's head at times, or maybe there is just nothing going on at all!!

Lavinia said...

Talk about "grounds" for arrest. That guy needs to wake up and smell the coffee, I mean, going back after you've robbed the place? He soundds full of beans.

Akelamalu said...

He forgot to take off his disguise! ((wink))

Jennifer S said...

Cop o' joe?

(I hope cup o' joe isn't a purely American expression for coffee.)

Sameera Ansari said...

Ha ha!That guy sure was stupid :)

I would like to nominate the following for post of the day :

Charles Gramlich said...

I love stupid criminals. Thank goodness for them.

PRH said...

never ceases to amaze how many criminals are just plain "stupid"....but make for some funny stuff.

Cliff said...

I, for one, am now glad I cannot afford to drink Starbucks. The coffee I drink is called Guillotine coffee. It comes in regular and decapitated.

Linq said...
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Tess Kincaid said...

Sounds like he was dressed as Ronald McDonald.

Linq said...

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RiverPoet said...

Better latte than never ;-)

I am always astounded at the stupidity of criminals. I wonder if there is a stupid criminal contest they are all vying to be the head of?

Peace - D

Sandi McBride said...

Some mothers do have them!

katherine. said...

I saw this...sheesh...

alicesg said...

Hahaha...this is funny. I guess he could not resist the smell of the coffee when the last he was there

Louis la Vache said...

Very funny! C

"Unclear on the Concept, All-Time Grand Champion"

Merisi said...

Mom always said not to wear the same outfit day after day! ;-)