Monday, June 02, 2008

Good God

If It Please Your Worship

A couple in the UK have had more than 50,000 visitors to their home since they turned their spare bedroom into a Hindu temple. Worhippers queue to visit the temple Dhirajlal and Sushila Karia set up in Clacton-on-Sea, because the nearest alternative was 45 miles away when they moved there 29 years ago. They shipped 17 marble statues of gods and goddesses from India and installed them in the room.



aims said...


Akelamalu said...

'pray pal' LOL you crack me up David!

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

LOL @ pray pal! I guess they're never lonely. :)

Anonymous said...

Crikey! I wonder if the owners of the house offer refreshments..

CJ xx

indicaspecies said...

Goodness Gracious!

Charles Gramlich said...

Wow, some religous folks in this world ain't there?

"Pray Pal" is hilarious.

Mima said...

People sure do some weird things, fancy having people trapsing through your house the whole time, must be really weird.

Cath said...

Love the pun! I know Hindus have a temple at home (usually the corner of a living room) but to convert a whole bedroom and import statues? That definitely is seeking favour from the gods!!

Tess Kincaid said...

Hummm...wonder what we could turn our spare bedroom into?

Pray Pal is the best...that really gave me the giggles...witty, David, very witty!

gs said...

sharing your space with others for a good cause is very noble indeed.i hope people of all faiths,without discrimination, are allowed helps to develop and strengthen the bonds of human relationship.