Thursday, May 03, 2007

H€adlines & D€adlines

Jet-Propelled Toilet Role

Pointing out stories you may have missed. A US inventor has created a 70mph (112km/h ) jet-propelled toilet. Paul Stender, 43, made it out of a rickety old portable toilet and a 1000bhp Boeing turbine engine bolted on to a go-kart chassis. Two tiny holes in the door let him see where he's going - as a 10m fireball roars out the back of the $10,000 machine. Paul, who also has a jet-powered motorbike, takes the Port-O-Loo to thrill crowds at race meetings near his home in Indiana. He said: ``I used to keep a toilet roll inside to make it look really authentic. But I soon found that wads of paper got sucked into the engine which was dangerous. If it sucks in paper it could explode - and me with it."

News source: Ananova.


Doug said...

I can see the police report now:
" You were taking a poo at 65 in
a 40 mph zone.


david mcmahon said...

Hi Doug,

Nice image, but don't pooh-pooh the idea of being booked!

